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Highlights: MindFusion Pack for WinForms, 2017.R1 []
MindFusion Pack for WinForms has been used by large enterprises and small businesses through the years to create fast and easy all kinds of desktop applications. The new release includes:

- Funnel charts - Interactive range selection in charts - Rotation of axis labels - Flip of shapes in diagrams - The diagram control supports fluent API - Improved touch support in diagrams - Improved UI culture handling in the virtual keyboard - Auto-repeat customization in the virtual keyboard - RangeSelector integration in schedules - Improved XLSX export in spreadsheets

Selected Blog Posts []

- Server Load Monitoring Application in JavaScript - I
This tutorial explains how to set up the project, how to create and customize the chart and the gauge.

- A Poll Chart: A Stacked Bar Chart in Java Swing that Represents Results of a Survey - I
Here we make an overview of the chart elements and construct the dashboard, plot and axes.

- Server Load Monitoring Application in JavaScript - II
[] In the second part we build the diagram and wire the events that would update the chart whenever a user selects a server connection.

- Ticket Booking System - Continued
The second part explains how to customize the controls that are used in the application - the diagram and the calendar and how data is retrieved from the MS SQL database.

- A Poll Chart: A Stacked Bar Chart in Java Swing that Represents Results of a Survey - Continued
We build the bars with a BarRenderer and add annotations, which use a custom BarSeries class.

Video Tutorials: []

- Collaborative Drawing of Diagrams with SignalR and the ASP.NET MVC Flowchart Control
Learn how to use the Diagramming for ASP.NET MVC library together with the SignalR library to create a tool for collaborative drawing of flowcharts over the network.

- A JavaScript Application for Server Load Monitoring
The video goes step by step on how to create a web project, add the necessary js references, create and customize the libraries.

Recent Releases

- Diagramming or JavaScript, V3.0
- Diagramming for ASP.NET, V6.0
- Diagramming for ASP.NET MVC, V3.0
User-interaction controllers, record and replay of user actions, improved testability, ruler control, flip shapes, 3rd party dependencies are now optional and more.

- Diagramming for Java Swing, V4.3.1
Diagramming for Windows Forms, V6.4.3

Diagramming for WPF, V3.4.3
Flip of shapes, improvements in DiagramLink-s, new Behavior mode and API changes.

- Scheduling for Xamarin V2.0
Added resource view and support for the Universal Windows platform.

- Scheduling for WinForms, V5.7
Scheduling for Java Swing, V2.0
RangeSelector integration, the rows in a Resource view can now be rearranged interactively.

- Charting for JavaScript, V1.1.1
Interactive range selection, new legend properties, new event arguments, show and hide of series highlightening and tool tips.

- Charting for WPF, V2.2
Funnel charts, cross-hair in real time charts, alignment for labels in bars.

- Spreadsheet for WPF 1.1
Improved XLSX Import and Export, export of partial worksheets in CSV, clipboard operations in WorkbookView, new events.

Beta Versions

- Diagramming for Android, V1.5