ISSUE 03 | September 2015

Spot On - Mindfusion News

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Highlights: MindFusion WebForms Pack 2015.R1 []

The new release of MindFusion.WebForms Pack 2015.R1 offers plenty of new features and improvements: []

- License keys
- Zoom control
- VS 2015 Toolbox support
- Custom formatting of labels in line charts
- Sorted bars in bar and column charts
- Horizontal Timetable view

Selected Blog Posts

- Create a Musical Score Writer Using MindFusion Diagram Component. []
In this example we demonstrate how to use various features of MindFusion.Diagramming API to create a musical score editor.

- Nested DataRanges in MindFusion Report Application []
Let's build a report with two DataRange-s nested in each other to retrieve data from multiple database tables.

- Layout Management with the WinForms Dock Control []
Here we build a sample application with customizable layout based on the WinForms Dock control.

- Combine Layout Algorithms []
Apply FractalLayout and SpringLayout to generate a tag cloud. .

Video Tutorial: []

- WinForms Dashboard Series, Part IV: The Bar Chart []
Follow the steps to build a horizontal bar chart with a legend and customized axes..

Recent Releases

- WPF Diagram Control, V3.3.1 []
Resize table columns and rows, barcode nodes, ShapeDesigner improvements.

- WinForms Diagram Control, V6.3.3 []
Barcode nodes, resize of table columns and rows, various new features and improvements.

- Reporting for WinForms, V2.3 []
Visual Studio 2015 support, Barcode report items, license keys.


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