The type of the grid is specified by the GridType property that receives a value of the GridType Enumeration. GridBrush and AltGridBrush specify the brushes. The grid is drawn with GridPen. In the topic Creating Line Charts, a chart is drawn whereby GridType is set to HorScale, GridBrush is Light Gray and GridPen is of Dot Style.
When the grid is horizontal, vertical or crossed, its width is calculated automatically - it is the distance between scale divisions at the X and / or Y axis. ![]()
The distance between vertical and horizontal lines of the grid of Chess type is set by GridWidth. ![]()
Crossed grids have both horizontal and vertical lines. The grid width is determined by the position of the scales at the chart axes. ![]()
Custom grid is achieved with the following properties: HorGridPoints and/or VertGridPoints, HorGridBrushes and VertGridBrushes, HorGridPens and VertGridPens. Custom grid labels at the grid sections on both X and Y axes can be set using XGridLabels and YGridLabels. Pointers can be drawn from the section to its labels. The length of the pointer is set with GridLabelPointer. ![]()