MindFusion.Charting Programmer's Guide


The type of the grid is specified by the GridType property that receives a value of the GridType Enumeration. GridBrush and AltGridBrush specify the brushes. The grid is drawn with GridPen.

In the topic Creating Line Charts, a chart is drawn whereby GridType is set to HorScale, GridBrush is Light Gray and GridPen is of Dot Style.


RadarCharts and PieCharts have no grid.

  • GridType is HorScale

When the grid is horizontal, vertical or crossed, its width is calculated automatically - it is the distance between scale divisions at the X and / or Y axis.

  • GridType is Chess

The distance between vertical and horizontal lines of the grid of Chess type is set by GridWidth.

  • GridType is Crossed

Crossed grids have both horizontal and vertical lines. The grid width is determined by the position of the scales at the chart axes.

  • GridType is Custom

Custom grid is achieved with the following properties: HorGridPoints and/or VertGridPoints, HorGridBrushes and VertGridBrushes, HorGridPens and VertGridPens.

Custom grid labels at the grid sections on both X and Y axes can be set using XGridLabels and YGridLabels. Pointers can be drawn from the section to its labels. The length of the pointer is set with GridLabelPointer.