MindFusion.Charting Programmer's Guide

RadarChart.OuterAxisPen Property

See Also

Specifies the pen for drawing the outer chart axis.

Namespace: MindFusion.Charting.WebForms
Assembly: MindFusion.Charting.WebForms


C#  Copy Code

public Pen OuterAxisPen { get; set; }

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Property OuterAxisPen As Pen

 Property Value

An instance of MindFusion.Drawing.Pen class.


The property specifies the pen for drawing the outer chart axis.

In radar / polar charts, the outer axis is the bounding circumference (polygon) for the radar / polar. The outer axis is just one, the circles (polygons) drawn concentric to it are called alternative axes. The shape of the outer axis - circle or polygon depends on the SpiderWeb property.

The outer axis can have two types of labels: in the middle of chart segments and / or at the crossing points with the inner axes. The properties for the labels are OuterAxisLabelType, OuterAxisLabels and OuterLabels.

Default value for the OuterAxisPen property is a Pen with black color and default width.

 See Also