A class specified for drawing pie charts. Namespace: MindFusion.Charting.WebForms
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public class PieChart : Chart, ISupportInitialize |
Visual Basic
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Public Class PieChart |
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// class |
PieChart inherits properties and methods from its base class Chart.
Instances of the PieChart class are responsible for drawing both 2D and 3D pie and doughnut charts. The type of the chart is set with the PieType property and is an instance of the PieType enumeration.
Data for the pie is specified with the Data property. It is a single-dimensional list that can hold either numbers or values of any other type that can be converted to numbers.
Pie data can be cancelled if the numbers are too big. The DivisionCoef property specifies the division coefficient. The unit of measure is set with DivisionLabel.
Pies and doughnut charts can have one or all of its pieces detached. The index of the piece detached is specified with PieceOutIndex. Drawing of pie pieces can start from an angle, other than 0. Use the StartAngle property to specify it.
Each pie can have text outside and inside its segments (pieces). The type of text is specified with OuterLabelType and InnerLabelType.
Custom text, drawn inside or outside the pie pieces is set with InnerLabels and OuterLabels.
Each label, drawn inside / outside the pie pieces can be drawn with a label before or after it - use LabelSuffix and LabelPrefix to set it.
Labels drawn outside of pie segments are drawn with pointers from the middle of the piece to the label. The length of the pointer is specified with PointerLength.
The radius of the pie is set with RadiusLength.
If you want to set the tension (flatness) and thickness of 3D pie charts use Pie3DTension and Pie3DThickness.
In doughnut charts, you can use the DoughnutThickness property to specify the thickness of doughnuts.