DiagramLite Programmer's Guide
TabbedDiagramView Class
Remarks See Also

Represents a control that can display DiagramDocument objects. The individual diagram pages can be activated through the tabs in the tray located at one of the view sides.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Controls.Silverlight


C#  Copy Code

public class TabbedDiagramView : Control

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Class TabbedDiagramView
    Inherits Control


The appearance and behavior of the tab tray can be customized using various properties.

The ShowTabs property indicates whether the tray is visible. The location of the tray is specified through the TabAlignment property. ShowCreateNewTab and ShowTabNavigationButtons determine the visibility of the buttons for interactive tab creation and tab navigation respectively. ShowTabCloseButtons specifies whether the tabs can be closed interactively, by clicking on the small 'x' button displayed in each tab. AllowTabReorder enables interactive tab rearrangement by mouse dragging.

 Inheritance Hierarchy


 See Also

TabbedDiagramView Members
MindFusion.Diagramming Namespace