DroidDiagram Programmer's Guide
Diagram.setRestrictItemsToBounds Method
See Also

Sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to move items outside the currently define document bounds.

Namespace: com.mindfusion.diagramming
Package: com.mindfusion.diagramming


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public void setRestrictItemsToBounds (
    RestrictToBounds value



A member of the RestrictToBounds enumeration.


Use this property to specify whether diagram elements can be drawn or moved outside the document area. It is possible to specify that items have to be entirely inside, partly outside or there is no restriction.

If there is no restriction and AutoResize is disabled, users could place an item to a position where they cannot reach it by scrolling. That might be interpreted as an item deletion operation by handling the nodeModified event and deleting the item if it is outside the document boundaries.

 See Also

Diagram Members
Diagram Class
com.mindfusion.diagramming Namespace
Bounds Property