DroidDiagram Programmer's Guide
Diagram.setShadowsStyle Method
See Also

Sets the style of shadows.

Namespace: com.mindfusion.diagramming
Package: com.mindfusion.diagramming


Java  Copy Code

public void setShadowsStyle (
    ShadowsStyle value



A member of the ShadowsStyle enumeration.


This property specifies how the shadows of diagram items are drawn. If its value is None, no shadows are painted. OneLevel makes all shadows paint on the lowest z-level, not covering any items. Thus the diagram items will seem to appear on the same z-level. ZOrder makes the shadow paint immediately under their items, possibly covering other items. This style gives more 3D-like outlook to the diagram.

 See Also

Diagram Members
Diagram Class
com.mindfusion.diagramming Namespace
ShadowOffsetX Property
ShadowOffsetY Property