DroidDiagram Programmer's Guide
AnchorPoint Constructor
See Also

 Overload List

Name Description

AnchorPoint (float, float)

Initializes a new AnchorPoint instance by setting its relative position in nodes. The point will allow both outgoing and incoming links.

AnchorPoint (float, float, boolean, boolean)

Initializes a new AnchorPoint instance by setting its relative position in nodes and specifying whether it will allow outgoing or incoming links.

AnchorPoint (float, float, boolean, boolean, Color, short)

Initializes a new AnchorPoint instance by setting its relative position in nodes and specifying whether it will allow outgoing or incoming links. The table column to which the anchor point is related is specified too.

AnchorPoint (float, float, boolean, boolean, Color, short, Object)

Initializes a new AnchorPoint instance by setting its relative position in nodes and specifying whether it will allow outgoing or incoming links. The table column to which the anchor point is related is specified too.

AnchorPoint (float, float, boolean, boolean, MarkStyle)

Initializes a new AnchorPoint instance by setting its relative position in nodes and specifying whether it will allow outgoing or incoming links. The shape of the anchor point mark is specified too.

AnchorPoint (float, float, boolean, boolean, MarkStyle, Color)

Initializes a new AnchorPoint instance by setting its relative position in nodes and specifying whether it will allow outgoing or incoming links. The shape and color of the anchor point mark are specified too.

 See Also

AnchorPoint Class
com.mindfusion.diagramming Namespace