DroidDiagram Programmer's Guide
LinkShape Enumeration
See Also

The members of this enumeration specify the geometry of link segments and how the segments are related to each other. The enumeration elements can be used as parameters of the setShape method of the DiagramLink class.

Namespace: com.mindfusion.diagramming
Package: com.mindfusion.diagramming


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public enum LinkShape


  Member name Description


The link segments are Bezier curves. Each two adjacent segments share a control point. The joins between segments are always kept smooth.


The link consists of straight line segments. All segments are either horizontal or vertical, where each two adjacent segments are orthogonal one to the other.


The link consists of straight line segments.


The segments of a link are curves forming an interpolating spline that passes through all control points.

 See Also

com.mindfusion.diagramming Namespace