MindFusion.Mapping Programmer's Guide

Map.LoadFromStream Method (Stream, Stream, String)

See Also

Loads the map data from the specified stream.

Namespace: MindFusion.Mapping
Assembly: MindFusion.Mapping


C#  Copy Code

public void LoadFromStream (
    Stream mapStream,
    Stream dbfStream,
    string labelField

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Sub LoadFromStream( _
    mapStream As Stream, _
    dbfStream As Stream, _
    labelField As String _



A System.IO.Stream instance representing shapefile data.


A System.IO.Stream instance representing the map database.


Specifies the name of the database column containing labels of map elements.


If the database is loaded, it is represented by an instance of the Database class exposed via the Database property. Additionally, each Shape in the map has its DatabaseRow property set to an object representing the corresponding data record.

 See Also