ASP.NET Pack Programmer's Guide
DiagramBase.DrawLink Event
See Also

Raised when a diagram link must be custom drawn.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Package: MindFusion.Diagramming


C#  Copy Code

public event EventHandler<DrawLinkEventArgs> DrawLink

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Event DrawLink As EventHandler(Of DrawLinkEventArgs)

 Event Data

DrawLink event handlers receive an argument of type DrawLinkEventArgs. The following DrawLinkEventArgs members provide information relevant to the event:

Member name



The DiagramLink that should be custom drawn.


Gets a collection of the link's control points. When drawing shadows, the points are offset as necessary.


true if now drawing the link's shadow, otherwise false.


An object implementing the IGraphics interface whose methods should be used to draw the link.


This event is raised for links whose CustomDraw property is enabled.

 See Also

DiagramBase Members
DiagramBase Class
MindFusion.Diagramming Namespace
DrawNode Event