ASP.NET Pack Programmer's Guide
IGraphics.DrawString Method (String, Font, Brush, RectangleF)
See Also

Draws the specified text string in the specified rectangle with the specified Brush and Font objects.

Namespace: MindFusion.Drawing
Package: MindFusion.Common


C#  Copy Code

void DrawString (
    string s,
    Font font,
    Brush brush,
    RectangleF layoutRectangle

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Sub DrawString( _
    s As String, _
    font As Font, _
    brush As Brush, _
    layoutRectangle As RectangleF _


The string to draw.
A .NET Font object that defines the text format of the string.
A .NET Brush object that determines the color and texture of the drawn text.
A .NET RectangleF structure that specifies the location of the drawn text.

 See Also

DrawString Method Overload List
IGraphics Members
IGraphics Interface
MindFusion.Drawing Namespace