ASP.NET Pack Programmer's Guide
FlowLayoutRules.UseRuleManagedLinkBend Method
See Also

Specifies whether FlowLayout should use custom link-bending rules specified through the various Add*BendRule methods.

Namespace: MindFusion.Layout
Package: MindFusion.Diagramming


C#  Copy Code

public bool UseRuleManagedLinkBend (
    bool ruleManaged

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Function UseRuleManagedLinkBend( _
    ruleManaged As Boolean _
) As Boolean


true to use custom link-bending rules; otherwise, false.

 Return Value

true if this rule has been set successfully; otherwise, false.

 See Also

FlowLayoutRules Members
FlowLayoutRules Class
MindFusion.Layout Namespace