ASP.NET Pack Programmer's Guide
MixedSeriesStyle Members
Constructors Properties Methods

Implements SeriesStyle using mixed per-element and uniform values for attributes.

The following tables list the members exposed by the MixedSeriesStyle type.

 Public Constructors

  Name Description


Initializes a new instance of the MixedSeriesStyle class.

 Public Properties

  Name Description


Gets or sets a list of brushes, each Brush used to fill all elements of a series.


Gets or sets a list of dash styles, each style applied to all elements of a series.


Gets or sets a list of brushes, each Brush used to stroke all elements of a series.


Gets or sets a list of stroke thicknesses, each thickness applied to all elements of a series.


Gets or sets a list of Brush lists, each list used to draw a different series, and each Brush used to fill individual elements of a series.


Gets or sets a list of DashStyle lists, each list used to stroke a different series, and each DashStyle value specifying style of individual elements of a series.


Gets or sets a list of Brush lists, each list used to stroke a different series, and each Brush used to stroke individual elements of a series.


Gets or sets a list of number lists, each list used to stroke a different series, and each number value specifying thickness of individual elements of a series.


Gets or sets a Brush used to fill all elements of all series uniformly.


Gets or sets a Brush used to stroke all elements of all series uniformly.


Gets or sets uniform stroke dash style for all elements of all series.


Gets or sets uniform stroke thickness for all elements of all series.

 Public Methods

  Name Description


Implements SeriesStyle.Stroke. Returns a Brush instance fromFills, CommonFills or UniformFill properties.


Implements SeriesStyle.Stroke. Returns a Brush instance fromStrokes, CommonStrokes or UniformStroke properties.


Implements SeriesStyle.StrokeDashStyle. Returns a value from StrokeDashStyles, CommonStrokeDashStyles or UniformStrokeDashStyle properties.


Implements SeriesStyle.StrokeThickness. Returns a value from StrokeThicknesses, CommonStrokeThicknesses or UniformStrokeThickness properties.

 See Also

MixedSeriesStyle Class
MindFusion.Charting Namespace