ASP.NET Pack Programmer's Guide
StackRenderer Members
Constructors Methods

A base SeriesRenderer for stacked graphics.

The following tables list the members exposed by the StackRenderer type.

 Public Constructors

  Name Description


Initializes a new instance of the StackRenderer class.

 Public Methods

  Name Description


Enumerates the data values of rendered series mapped to plot 2D coordinates.


Enumerates each series once providing a list of all visible points at each iteration.


Gets the coordinates of specified data item when mapped to a Plot2D pixel.


Renderer2D.HitTest override. Hit-tests the stack representations of data items.


Renderer2D.MeasureDataRange override. Measures the data range of rendered series and assigns it to the associated Axis objects if their MinValue and MaxValue are not set.

 See Also

StackRenderer Class
MindFusion.Charting Namespace