A base class for chart controls.
The following tables list the members exposed by the Chart type.
Name | Description | |
Overloaded. |
Name | Description | |
Gets the list of currently registered serialization converters. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Name | Description | |
Gets the chart's Plot component. |
Name | Description | |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to move the legend. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to zoom into plots' data ranges. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets the alignment of BackgroundImage relatively to dashboard boundaries. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets whether auto-size mode is enabled for BackgroundImage. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets dashboard's background image. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets the GridPanel that contains the chart's PlotPanel and axis renderers. |
Gets or sets a value indicating which library will be used in the control's client-side scripts. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Contains the name of a JavaScript function that should be invoked when the control is loaded on the client side. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Contains the name of a JavaScript function that should be invoked when when the user clicks on a data item inside a plot. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets the chart's data source. |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are shown as inner labels of rendered graphical elements. |
Gets or sets the URL to the JQuery script file. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets the URL to the MindFusion.Charting.js file. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets a LayoutBuilder instance that provides shortcut methods for building fragments of dashboard's user interface. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets a Panel containing dashboard components that should participate in layout measurements and be arranged relatively to each other. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the legend. |
Gets or sets the margin space around the legend. |
Gets the LegendRenderer component used to draw the chart's legend. |
Gets or sets the distance between adjacent entries in the legend. |
Gets or sets the legend title. |
Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the legend. |
Gets or sets the license key of the control. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets the URL to the Microsoft Ajax script file. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are shown as outer labels of rendered graphical elements. |
Gets the chart's Plot component. |
Gets or sets the alignment of PlotImage relatively to the plot boundaries. |
Gets or sets whether auto-size mode is enabled for PlotImage. |
Gets or sets the Image drawn inside chart's plot area. |
Gets the Panel that contains the chart's plot and associated elements. |
Gets the root Panel in the hierarchy of dashboard components. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets what kind of labels from data series should be drawn. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show highlights on data items. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart should draw a legend. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the legend title. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show tooltips. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the plot should show zoom buttons. |
Gets or sets the sub-title of this chart. |
Gets or sets the Brush used to draw chart's Subtitle. |
Gets or sets the name of Font used to draw chart's Subtitle. |
Gets or sets the size of Font used to draw chart's Subtitle. |
Gets or sets the style of Font used to draw chart's Subtitle. |
Gets or sets the margin space around Subtitle. |
Gets or sets a Theme specifying appearance of dashboard elements. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets the title of this chart. |
Gets or sets the Brush used to draw chart's Title. |
Gets or sets the name of Font used to draw chart's Title. |
Gets or sets the size of Font used to draw chart's Title. |
Gets or sets the style of Font used to draw chart's Title. |
Gets or sets the margin space around Title. |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are shown as tooltips of rendered graphical elements. |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are shown as X axis labels of rendered graphical elements. |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are assigned to X coordinates of rendered graphical elements. |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are shown as Y axis labels of rendered graphical elements. |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are assigned to Y coordinates of rendered graphical elements. |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are shown as Z axis labels of rendered graphical elements. |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are assigned to Z coordinates of rendered graphical elements. |
Name | Description | |
Gets the default SeriesRenderer for this chart. |
Name | Description | |
Binds the chart to current DataSource. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Loads the control data from JSON string. |
Implements RootControl.InvalidateLayout. Invalidates the specified region of a component. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Implements RootControl.InvalidateLayout. Invalidates layout of specified component. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
IPostBackDataHandler.LoadPostData implementation. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
IPostBackDataHandler.RaisePostDataChangedEvent implementation. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Registers converters used for JSON serialization of custom item types. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Registers a custom item class for serialization support. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Saves the control data to JSON string. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Name | Description | |
WebControl.AddAttributesToRender override. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Creates the Plot type corresponding to this chart. |
Checks whether startup scripts are already registered on page. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Control.OnPreRender override. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
WebControl.RenderContents override. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |