Creating event handlers in JavaScriptTo handle a client-side event, create a JavaScript event handler function and assign its name to the respective script property of the control. The properties that contain the names of the JavaScript event handlers have the same name as the event with a Script suffix added, in the form of [EventName]Script. The signature of the handler should contain the sender and args parameters, where sender is always the control and args are the event arguments associated with the event. For each client-side event, there is a string property of the form [EventName]Script that specifies the respective JavaScript event handler function that should be called. In the Visual Studio Properties window, type in the name of the event handler function in the field of the respective event property, for example [EventName]Script = "onEventName". Notification eventsNotification events are raised to notify you that the user has performed some action e.g. itemClicked, dragStart, resizeEnd, close. The event arguments associated with notification events inherit Sys.EventArgs. Validation eventsValidation events let you approve or reject users actions. The event handler functions are expected to set the value of the Sys.CancelEventArgs cancel property accessible through the args parameter of the handler, either set_cancel(false) if an action should be accepted, or set_cancel(true) if it should be rejected. Such events are activeItemChanging, activeTabChanging and popupOpening. There are events raised when users start a certain interaction, for example resizeStart. When the user opens or closes a Window, the opening/closing event is raised to let you confirm the operation. The following table presents all client side events for the controls included in the library, with their associated event arguments, the respective Script property and a short description: Controls | Event | Event arguments | Script property | Description |
Window, DockWindow | dragStart | WindowValidatingEventArgs | DragStartScript | Raised when the user starts to drag a control with the mouse. | Window, DockWindow | drag | WindowModifiedEventArgs | DragScript | Raised during a drag operation. | Window, DockWindow | dragEnd | WindowModifiedEventArgs | DragEndScript | Raised when the user finishes to drag a control with the mouse. | Window, DockWindow | resizeStart | WindowValidatingEventArgs | ResizeStartScript | Raised when the user starts to resize a control with the mouse. | Window, DockWindow | resize | WindowModifiedEventArgs | ResizeScript | Raised during a resize operation. | Window, DockWindow | resizeEnd | WindowModifiedEventArgs | ResizeEndScript | Raised when the user finishes to resize a control with the mouse. | Window, DockWindow | opening | WindowValidatingEventArgs | OpeningScript | Raised when a window is about to open. | Window, DockWindow | open | WindowEventArgs | OpenScript | Raised when a window has opened. | Window, DockWindow | closing | WindowValidatingEventArgs | ClosingScript | Raised when a window is about to close. | Window, DockWindow | close | WindowEventArgs | CloseScript | Raised when a window has closed. | Window, DockWindow | stateChanging | WindowStateValidatingEventArgs | StateChangingScript | Raised when the window state is currently changing. | Window, DockWindow | stateChanged | WindowStateEventArgs | StateChangedScript | Raised when the window state has changed | Window, DockWindow, TabPage, AccordionItem | frameLoaded | - | FrameLoadedScript | Raised when the internal iframe has finished loading. | Window, DockWindow, TabPage, AccordionItem, WindowHost, DockControl, TabControl, Accordion, Menu, Calendar, ColorEditor, ColorPicker, DatePicker, DateTimePicker, TimePicker, NumericUpDown, Rating | controlLoaded | - | ControlLoadedScript | Raised just after the control has finished loading and is ready for interaction. | Window, DockWindow, TabPage, AccordionItem | headerClick | WindowEventArgs | HeaderClickScript | Raised when the user clicks the header of a control. | WindowHost, DockControl | windowChanged | WindowEventArgs | ActiveWindowChangedScript | Raised when the active window in host-based control is changed. | TabControl | tabChanging | TabChangingEventArgs | ActiveTabChangingScript | Raised when the active tab in tab control is about to be changed. | TabControl | tabChanged | TabChangedEventArgs | ActiveTabChangedScript | Raised when the active tab in tab control has changed. | Accordion | itemChanging | ItemChangingEventArgs | ActiveItemChangingScript | Raised when the expanded item in accordion control is about to be changed. | Accordion | itemChanged | ItemChangedEventArgs | ActiveItemChangedScript | Raised when the expanded item in accordion control has changed. | Menu | itemClicked | MenuItemEventArgs | ItemClickedScript | Raised when a menu item is clicked. | ColorEditor | controlSubmit | Sys.CancelEventArgs | ControlSubmitScript | Raised when the control's apply button is clicked. | Rating | valueChanging | ValueChangingEventArgs | ValueChangingScript | Raised when the control's value is changing. | ColorPicker, DatePicker, DateTimePicker, TimePicker, NumericUpDown, Rating | valueChanged | ValueChangedEventArgs | ValueChangedScript | Raised when the control's value has changed. | ColorEditor | colorChanged | ValueChangedEventArgs | ColorChangedScript | Raised when the control's selected color has changed. | Calendar | dateChanged | ValueChangedEventArgs | DateChangedScript | Raised when the control's date has changed. | Calendar | selectionChanging | ValueChangingEventArgs | SelectionChangingScript | Raised when the control's selection is changing. | Calendar | selectionChanged | ValueChangedEventArgs | SelectionChangedScript | Raised when the control's selection has changed. | Calendar | dateClick | CellEventArgs | DateClickScript | Raised when a control's date cell is clicked. | DatePicker, DateTimePicker, TimePicker, NumericUpDown | valueInvalid | ValueChangedEventArgs | ValueInvalidScript | Raised when the control's input value is invalid. | DatePicker, DateTimePicker, TimePicker, NumericUpDown | validationStateChanged | ValidationStateChangedEventArgs | ValidationStateChangedScript | Raised when the control's validation state has changed. | ColorPicker, DatePicker, DateTimePicker, TimePicker | popupOpening | PopupEventArgs | PopupOpeningScript | Raised when the control's popup is about to be opened.
| ColorPicker, DatePicker, DateTimePicker, TimePicker | popupClosing | PopupEventArgs | PopupOpeningScript | Raised when the control's popup is about to be closed. |
ExamplesDisallow changing of the active tab in a TabControl. JavaScript
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function OnActiveTabChanging(sender, args) { args.set_cancel(true); } |
Handle the controlLoaded event of a WindowHost control to maximize the active window. JavaScript
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function OnHostLoaded(sender) { sender.getActiveWindow().set_windowState(MindFusion.UI.Web.WindowState.Maximized); } |
Handle Menu control's itemClick event. JavaScript
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function MenuItemClicked(sender, args) { var item = args.getItem(); if (item.get_rootItem().get_title() == "WindowHost" && item.get_title() == "Close all") { var host = $find("<%= WindowHost1.ClientID %>"); host.closeAll(); } else { sender.postback(); } } |