MindFusion WinForms Programmer's Guide
BarChart.BeginInit Method
See Also

Begins the run-time initialization of an instance of the BarChart class that is used on a form or by another component.

Namespace: MindFusion.Charting.WinForms
Assembly: MindFusion.Charting.WinForms


C#  Copy Code

public void BeginInit ()

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Sub BeginInit ()


The Visual Studio .NET design environment uses this method to start the initialization of the BarChart component that is used on a form or by another component. The EndInit method ends the initialization. Using the BeginInit and EndInit methods prevents the control from being used before it is fully initialized.

 See Also

BarChart Members
BarChart Class
MindFusion.Charting.WinForms Namespace