MindFusion WinForms Programmer's Guide
IGraphics.DrawPie Method (Pen, Rectangle, Single, Single)
See Also

Draws a pie shape defined by an ellipse specified by a Rectangle structure and two radial lines.

Namespace: MindFusion.Drawing
Assembly: MindFusion.Common


C#  Copy Code

void DrawPie (
    Pen pen,
    Rectangle rect,
    float startAngle,
    float sweepAngle

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Sub DrawPie( _
    pen As Pen, _
    rect As Rectangle, _
    startAngle As Single, _
    sweepAngle As Single _


A .NET Pen object that determines the color, width, and style of the pie shape.
A .NET Rectangle structure that represents the bounding rectangle that defines the ellipse from which the pie shape comes.
Angle measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis to the first side of the pie shape.
Angle measured in degrees clockwise from the startAngle parameter to the second side of the pie shape.

 See Also

DrawPie Method Overload List
IGraphics Members
IGraphics Interface
MindFusion.Drawing Namespace