Class | Description | |
A base class for report items representing charts that use the rectangular coordinate system. |
Represents a report item that can display bar charts. |
Represents a report item that that can render barcodes. |
Defines a border around a report element. |
Represents a report item that provides a way to render custom contents within the report. |
Base class for all charts in the report. Holds methods and properties common for all derived charts. |
Represents a wrapper around a System.Windows.Forms.Control that can be added and rendered in a MindFusion.Reporting.Report. |
Represents a report item that provides master detail relation during data-binding. |
Represents a data range header or footer. |
Contains the arguments passed to handlers of the RenderContents event of the Canvas class. |
Provides contextual information when drawing report items. |
Provides data for various rendering events. |
A report element that draws a simple ellipse. |
Represents a base class for report items that can serve as containers for other report items, such as DataRange. |
A report element that draws a static text. |
A report element that draws a simple line. |
Represents a report item that can display line charts. |
Specifies the dimensions of the margins of a rectangle. |
Represents a page within a report. |
Represents a single line across the whole width of a page, which indicates a page break at that location. |
Represents a page header or footer. |
A report element that draws an image. |
Represents a report item that can display pie charts. |
Represents a report item that can display radar charts. |
Serves as base class for all reports. |
Represents an abstract base class for all report elements. |
Encapsulates the state of a laid out Report object. To create an instance of this class, call the Layout method of the Report class. |
Represents a parameter in a report. |
Provides data for the SerializeDataSource and DeserializeDataSource events. |
Represents a container that can hold side-by-side data ranges. |
Contains methods that can help you serialize/deserialize MindFusion.Reporting reports to/from XML documents. |
Structure | Description | |
Stores an ordered pair of floating-point numbers, typically the width and height of an object. |
Represents an ordered pair of integer x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane. |
Enumeration | Description | |
Specifies the type of a bar chart. |
Specifies the type of labels drawn at chart elements. |
Specifies the alignment of the chart legend. |
Specifies the position of the chart legend. |
Specifies the type of a line chart. |
Specifies units of measure. |
Specifies the orientation of a printed page. |
Specifies the visibility of page headers and footers. |
Specifies the type of a pie chart. |
Specifies the drawing styles for a radar chart. |
Specifies the different types of radar charts that can be drawn. |
Specifies the type of a report parameter. |