MindFusion WinForms Programmer's Guide
GridType Enumeration
See Also

Specifies the type of the grid.

Namespace: MindFusion.Charting
Assembly: MindFusion.Charting


C#  Copy Code

public enum GridType

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Enum GridType


  Member name Description


The grid consists of vertical and horizontal lines, which make squares. The distance between them is set by GridWidth.


The grid consists of vertical and horizontal lines.


The position of the grid points, brushes and labels is specified by the user.


The grid consists only of horizontal lines.


No grid is drawn.


The grid consists only of vertical lines.


The Enumeration specifies how chart grids are drawn. There are two objects that support grids: the plot area, in chart with axes and the legend background.

GridType.HorScale means that the positions of horizontal grid lines are determined by the scale divisions of the Y-axis. In GridType.VertScale the positions of vertical grid lines are determined by the scale divisions of the X-axis. Crossed grids have both horizontal and vertical lines.

Grids are drawn with the GridPen, which is by default null. The grid stripes can be filled with the GridBrush and AltGridBrush.

Custom grids can have horizontal and/or vertical lines as set with the user. They are painted with brushes and pens from HorGridBrushes, HorGridPens, VertGridBrushes and VertGridPens properties. The position of the grid lines is set with HorGridPoints and VertGridPoints.

When the chart is 3D, grid lines are drawn at the chart axes, if appropriate.

Legends do not have custom and crossed grids. Horizontal grids are drawn between label columns; vertical grids - between label rows. Crossed grids are a combination of both. Legend grids do not use brushes and are drawn with the LegendPen.

 See Also

MindFusion.Charting Namespace