MindFusion WinForms Programmer's Guide
LabelType Enumeration
See Also

Specifies the type of labels drawn at chart elements.

Namespace: MindFusion.Charting
Assembly: MindFusion.Charting


C#  Copy Code

public enum LabelType

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Enum LabelType


  Member name Description


The text of chart labels is set by the user.


The labels represent the data numerical values (for big numbers, number division can be used).


No labels are drawn.


Percentage value for numerical data is drawn.


The enumeration represents the possible styles of labels. A LabelType object is required. It is not necessary to specify custom texts as string values - the control converts automatically any type of data into strings.

In bar charts:
The labels can be drawn inside and/or at the top of bars. The properties are InnerLabelType and TopLabelType. The appearance, style and format options of the labels are set with the XAxisSettings for vertical and YAxisSettings for horizontal charts. The labels that represent percentage data are calculated as the numerical data for each bar is divided by the sum of all data numbers. Custom labels are set with the InnerLabels and TopLabels properties.

By default, the bar inner and top labels are set to LabelType.Empty.
In pie charts:
Pies / doughnuts can have labels both inside and outside its pieces. The properties are InnerLabelType and OuterLabelType. If you choose to set custom labels, use the InnerLabels and OuterLabels properties. If the numerical data is too big, you can use DivisionCoef and DivisionLabel properties to cancel the chart data.

By default the pie inner and outer labels are set to LabelType.Empty.
In bubble charts:
The LabelType property enables you to choose the type of label drawn inside each bubble of a bubble chart. Labels specify the custom labels drawn at chart bubbles.

The LabelAlignment property specifies the alignment of the labels. They can be drawn inside, or above/below the bubble.

In radar charts:
Polar / radar charts have labels at the inner axis, the outer axis and in the center of the outer axis segments. The label type for the inner and outer axis is set with InnerAxisLabelType and OuterAxisLabelType. Custom labels are set with InnerAxisLabels and OuterAxisLabels.

 See Also

MindFusion.Charting Namespace
AxisLabelType Enumeration