MindFusion WinForms Programmer's Guide
SortSeriesBy Enumeration
See Also

Specifies how charts with more than one data series are arranged.

Namespace: MindFusion.Charting
Assembly: MindFusion.Charting


C#  Copy Code

public enum SortSeriesBy

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Enum SortSeriesBy


  Member name Description


The maximum value of the numbers in the chart data determines the order of drawing the series.


No sorting of the chart series is made and the segments are drawn in such order as the lists with numerical data have been added to the XData / YData or Y2Data properties.


The series are drawn in reversed order.


The sum of the numbers in each series list determines the order of drawing for this series.


The enumeration specifies how series lists for charts are sorted. When charts are drawn it is possible that one segment covers partly or entirely another one. That is why it is useful to specify a method for arranging the parts so that a maximum part of each one is visible.

Sorting series by sum is useful when the series lists are equal in count. Otherwise, it is more reasonable to sort the series by their maximum value.

 See Also

MindFusion.Charting Namespace