The Calendar control serves as a view in document-view architecture, where the document is implemented by the Schedule class. The Calendar provides several schedule related views, such as SingleMonth, List, Timetable, that present the scheduled events in different styles and layouts.
The following tables list the members exposed by the Calendar type.
Name | Description | |
Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the Calendar class. |
Name | Description | |
Invoked during data-binding to attach an event handler to a DataAdapter, which is not one of the common data adapters - OleDb or Sql. |
Name | Description | |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control scrolls automatically its contents when users drag items near the edge of the client rectangle. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can initiate a drag operation within the control. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to create items interactively. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to edit items interactively. |
Gets or set the offset of the buttons, displayed in the MonthRange and SingleMonth views' headers. |
Gets or sets the size of the navigation buttons, displayed in the views' headers. |
Gets or set the cursor that is displayed when a column can be resized or is being resized in a horizontal Timetable view. |
Gets or set the cursor that is displayed when a column can be resized or is being resized in a vertical Timetable view. |
Gets or sets how to format and display contact names in the timetable header. |
Gets the contacts whose schedule to display when GroupType is set to GroupByContacts. |
Gets or sets the name of the data member from the associated data source to bind the contacts to. |
Gets or sets a BoundPropertyList object that maps contact properties to fields in the associated data member. |
Gets or sets the visual style of the calendar child controls. |
Gets a ControlStyle object that allows customizing the visualization of the calendar child controls. |
Gets or sets the CultureInfo object used to format and display time information in the calendar. |
Gets or sets the current time. When this property is set to DateTime.MinValue, the actual system time is returned. |
Gets or sets the type of the calendar view. |
Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the calendar. |
Gets or sets the name of the data member from the associated data source to bind the custom brushes to. |
Gets or sets a BoundPropertyList object that maps custom brush properties to fields in the associated data member. |
Gets or sets which UI elements of the calendar should be custom drawn. |
Gets or sets a runtime type of the resources to group by. |
Gets or sets a runtime type of the secondary resources to group by. |
Gets or sets the custom theme applied to the control. |
Gets or sets the data source associated with the control. |
Gets or sets the date currently displayed in the calendar. |
Gets or sets the DateTimeFormatInfo object that specifies how to format and display all dates within the calendar. |
Gets a collection of DayOfWeekStyle objects that allow customizing the appearance of specific days of the week in the calendar. |
Gets a collection of DateStyle objects that allow customizing the appearance of specific days in the calendar. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the in-place editing of an item is delayed for a second when the item is clicked. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to update the position of items dragged over areas which do not allow items. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether items are created merely by dragging in the control. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selection can be manipulated through the keyboard. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should try to optimize item rendering. |
Gets or sets the last date displayed in the calendar. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selected cells should be automatically brought into view. |
Gets or sets the first weekend day in the calendar. |
Gets or sets the grouping criteria for the Timetable, WeekRange, List and Resource views. |
Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the hidden items cue icon. |
Gets or sets the small step for the horizontal scroll bar. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the horizontal scroller should always be visible, always hidden or visible only when it is needed. |
Gets or sets the current horizontal scroll position. |
Gets or sets the image list associated with the calendar. |
Gets or sets the type of an Item derived class whose instance should be created when a user starts typing while the calendar control has the keyboard focus. |
Gets or sets the modifier key, which lets users drag items between different contacts, resources, locations or tasks in a grouped view. |
Gets or sets the modifier key, which when pressed allows users to interactively clone items. |
Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when an item is being dragged. |
Gets or sets the modifier key that lets users start an OLE drag-and-drop operation when they drag an item. |
Gets a collection with all effects applied to the elements of this calendar. |
Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the horizontal resize area of an item. |
Gets or sets a value indicating the way items are processed when modified interactively. |
Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the move area of an item. |
Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when an item is dragged over a location that cannot contain items. |
Gets or sets the current scroll position in a List view whose EnableVirtualItemSpace property is set to Enabled. |
Gets or sets the name of the data member from the associated data source to bind the schedule items to. |
Gets or sets a BoundPropertyList object that maps item properties to fields in the associated data member. |
Gets a list of all selected items. |
Gets the ItemSettings object used to customize the visualization of schedule items in all calendar views. |
Gets or sets the format of item tooltips. |
Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the vertical resize area of an item. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item selection is preserved when an item from the selection is clicked. |
Gets or sets the license key of the control. |
Gets the ListViewSettings object used to customize the visualization of the List view. |
Gets or sets the LocalizationInfo object containing the settings used to customize various UI controls within the calendar. |
Gets the locations whose schedule to display in the timetable when GroupType is set to GroupByLocations. |
Gets or sets the name of the data member from the associated data source to bind the locations to. |
Gets or sets a BoundPropertyList object that maps location properties to fields in the associated data member. |
Gets or sets the minimal length of interactively created items, expressed in minutes. |
Gets the MonthRangeSettings object used to customize the visualization of a month range in the MonthRange view. |
Gets the MonthSettings object used to customize the visualization of months in the MonthRange and SingleMonth views. |
Gets a collection of DateStyle objects that allow customizing the appearance of specific months in the calendar. |
Gets a PrintOptions object that allows customizing various aspects of printing. |
Gets or sets the name of the data member from the associated data source to bind the recurrence exceptions to. |
Gets or sets a BoundPropertyList object that maps recurrence exception properties to fields in the associated data member. |
Gets or sets the name of the data member from the associated data source to bind the recurrences to. |
Gets or sets a BoundPropertyList object that maps recurrence properties to fields in the associated data member. |
Gets or sets the name of the data member from the associated data source to bind the reminders to. |
Gets or sets a BoundPropertyList object that maps reminder properties to fields in the associated data member. |
Gets or sets the modifier key, which when pressed allows users to interactively reschedule recurrent items. |
Gets the resources whose schedule to display in the control when GroupType is set to GroupByResources. |
Gets or sets the name of the data member from the associated data source to bind the resources to. |
Gets or sets a BoundPropertyList object that maps resource properties to fields in the associated data member. |
Gets the ResourceViewSettings object used to customize the visualization of a Resource view. |
Gets or set the cursor that is displayed when a row header can be resized or is being resized in a Resource view. |
Gets or sets the schedule whose information should be displayed inside the calendar control. |
Gets or sets the current scroll position. |
Gets or sets the secondary grouping criteria for the Resource view. |
Gets a Selection object representing the current selection in the calendar. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the calendar displays tooltips. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether in-place editing of items should automatically start after they are modified interactively. |
Gets or sets the name of the data member from the associated data source to bind the styles to. |
Gets or sets a BoundPropertyList object that maps style properties to fields in the associated data member. |
Gets or sets the System.Globalization.Calendar object to use when displaying dates in the control. |
Gets the tasks whose schedule to display in the control when GroupType is set to GroupByTasks. |
Gets or sets the name of the data member from the associated data source to bind the schedule tasks to. |
Gets or sets a BoundPropertyList object that maps task properties to fields in the associated data member. |
Gets or sets the text rendering mode. |
Gets or sets the theme applied to the calendar control UI elements. |
Gets the TimetableSettings object used to customize the visualization of days and hours in Timetable view. |
Gets the underlying ToolTip component. |
Gets or sets the small step for the vertical scroll bar. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the vertical scroller should always be visible, always hidden or visible only when it is needed. |
Gets or sets the current vertical scroll position. |
Gets the WeekRangeSettings object used to customize the visualization of weeks in a WeekRange view. |
Name | Description | |
Gets the default size of the control. |
Name | Description | |
Overloaded. Applies a Theme to the calendar. |
Implements the ISupportInitialize.BeginInit method. Call this method before making several consecutive changes to the control to suppress internal updates, but don't forget to invoke EndInit at the end. |
Initiates a print or print preview for the specified document. The document can be subsequently selected for preview in a PrintPreviewControl or printed by calling its Print method. Call Calendar.EndPrint after the document is no longer used. |
Cancels an interactive modification of an item, previously started by a call to StartModify. |
Overloaded. Collapses a row in a Resource view. |
Overloaded. |
Completes an interactive modification of an item, previously started by a call to StartModify. |
Overloaded. Creates a bitmap image of the current calendar view. |
Implements the ISupportInitialize.EndInit method. Call this method to signal that object initialization started with BeginInit is complete. |
Finalizes a print or print preview for the specified document. Call after Calendar.BeginPrint when the document is no longer used. |
Overloaded. Ensures that the specified date or item is visible within the control, scrolling the contents of the control if necessary. |
Overloaded. Expands a row in a Resource view. |
Overloaded. Gets the Contact object whose schedule is displayed at the specified coordinates. This method can be only be used in views that support grouping. |
Overloaded. Returns the date of the calendar cell located at the specified coordinates. |
Gets the bounding rectangle of a particular calendar element. |
Overloaded. Returns the date located at a specified position. |
Gets the first date of the time range displayed in the calendar. |
Determines which is the first visible date in the current view. |
Determines which is the first visible resource in the current view. |
Overloaded. Gets the scheduled Item object displayed at the specified coordinates. |
Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the specified item. |
Gets the index of the lane of the specified item within a List view whose FreeDrag property is enabled. |
Gets the last date of the time range displayed in the calendar. |
Determines which is the last visible date in the current view. |
Determines which is the last visible resource in the current view. |
Retrieves the index of the List view lane at the specified point, expressed in client coordinates. |
Overloaded. Gets the Location object whose schedule is displayed at the specified coordinates. This method can be only be used in views that support grouping. |
Overloaded. Gets the Resource object whose schedule is displayed at the specified coordinates. This method can be only be used in views that support grouping. |
Gets the Resource objects associated with the cells at the specified coordinates. |
Returns all items from the specified range, sorted by their lanes. |
Overloaded. Gets the Task object whose schedule is displayed at the specified coordinates. This method can be only be used in views that support grouping. |
Retrieves a collection with all currently visible items. |
Overloaded. Checks whether a row in a Resource view is expanded. |
Loads schedule data from the specified file. |
Overloaded. Loads the schedule data from the underlying data source. |
Loads schedule and view state data from a JSON-formatted string. |
Overloaded. Loads the view settings from the specified stream or XML document. |
Overloaded. Prints the current calendar view. |
Overloaded. Displays a print preview window for the current calendar view. |
If there is a mouse drag operation in progress, it is canceled. |
Resets the view-related item data contained in the underlying schedule. For example, items moved around in a list view with enabled FreeDrag property have their relative positions within the view reset. |
Resumes the previously paused mouse drag operation. |
Saves the underlying schedule to the specified file. |
Overloaded. Saves the current schedule to the underlying data source. |
Saves the underlying schedule and current view state to a JSON-formatted string. |
Overloaded. Saves the view settings to the specified stream or XML document. |
Sets the lane index for the specified item within a List view whose FreeDrag property is enabled. |
Sets the displayed time interval to the specified range, optionally changing the view resolution. If the interval is outside of the view range, the view range is expanded to include the interval. |
Returns a new date representing the the specified date when snapped according to the current Resource View settings. |
Starts in-place editing mode for the specified item to let users edit the item's text. |
Initiates interactive modification on the specified item. |
Temporarily pauses the current mouse drag operation. |
Updates the position of the calendar's child controls such as buttons and scrollbars. |
Updates an interactive modification of an item, previously started by a call to StartModify. |
Name | Description | |
Cleans up any resources being used. |
Raises the BeginItemDrawing event. |
Raises the ContinuePrinting event. |
Raises the CustomizeGrouping event. |
Raises the CustomizeText event. |
Raises the DateClick event. |
Raises the Draw event. |
Raises the Drawing event. |
Raises the EndItemDrawing event. |
Raises the FilterItem event. |
Raises the HiddenItemClick event. |
Raises the HScroll event. |
Raises the ItemClick event. |
Raises the ItemCloned event. |
Raises the ItemCloning event. |
Raises the ItemCreated event. |
Raises the ItemCreating event. |
Raises the ItemCreationCanceled event. |
Raises the ItemDeleted event. |
Raises the ItemDeleting event. |
Raises the ItemDeselecting event. |
Raises the ItemDrawing event. |
Raises the ItemInplaceEdited event. |
Raises the ItemInplaceEditEnding event. |
Raises the ItemInplaceEditStarting event. |
Raises the ItemListLaneChanged event. |
Raises the ItemModificationCanceled event. |
Raises the ItemModified event. |
Raises the ItemModifying event. |
Raises the ItemSelecting event. |
Raises the ItemSelectionChanged event. |
Raises the ItemSelectionComplete event. |
Raises the ItemsModified event. |
Raises the ItemTooltipDisplaying event. |
Control.OnKeyDown override. |
Control.OnKeyPress override. |
Raises the ListViewHeaderClick event. |
Control.OnLostFocus override. |
Raises the MonthCellClick event. |
Raises the MonthHeaderClick event. |
Raises the MonthRangeHeaderClick event. |
Raises the MonthWeekHeaderClick event. |
Control.OnMouseDown override. |
Control.OnMouseMove override. |
Control.OnMouseUp override. |
Control.OnPaint override. |
Control.OnPaintBackground override. |
Raises the RecurringItemDeleting event. |
Control.OnResize override. |
Raises the ResourceViewBottomTimelineClick event. |
Raises the ResourceViewMiddleTimelineClick event. |
Raises the ResourceViewRowHeaderClick event. |
Raises the ResourceViewTopTimelineClick event. |
Control.OnRightToLeftChanged override. |
Raises the Scroll event. |
Raises the TimetableColumnHeaderClick event. |
Raises the TooltipDisplaying event. |
Raises the VisibleDateChanged event. |
Raises the VScroll event. |
Raises the WeekRangeHeaderClick event. |
Control.ProcessDialogKey override. |
Name | Description | |
Raised before the items are drawn in the current drawing pass. |
Occurs at the end of a printing operation to enable users to continue printing the calendar with different view settings. |
Raised when secondary grouping is enabled to allow the client to filter some of the secondary resources. |
Raised to allow text customization of various calendar elements. |
Raised when the user clicks a date cell in the calendar. |
Raised to allow custom drawing of calendar UI elements. |
Raised to allow custom drawing of calendar elements before the default rendering done by the control. |
Raised after the items are drawn in the current drawing pass. |
Raised to allow filtering specific items from the view. |
Raised when a hidden items cue icon is clicked. |
Raised when the control has been scrolled horizontally. |
Raised when the user clicks a schedule item. |
Raised when the user has cloned an item interactively. |
Raised when the user is about to clone an item interactively. |
Raised when a schedule item is created by the user. |
Raised when the user is about to create a new schedule item. |
Raised when an interactive item creation is canceled by the user. |
Raised when the user deletes a schedule item. |
Raised when the user is about to delete a schedule item. |
Raised when an item is about to be deselected. |
Raised to allow custom drawing of calendar items before the default rendering done by the control. |
Raised when item's text is in-place edited. |
Raised when in-place editing of item's text is about to be accepted. |
Raised when in-place editing of item's text is about to begin. |
Raised when the lane index of an item within a List view has changed. |
Raised when an item modification is canceled by the user. |
Raised when a schedule item is moved or resized by the user. |
Raised when the user moves or resizes a schedule item, which would change the item's scheduled start or end date and time. |
Raised when an item is about to be selected. |
Raised when an item is selected or deselected. |
Raised when an item is selected or deselected. |
Raised when one or more items have been modified interactively. |
Raised to allow modification of an item's ToolTip before it gets displayed. |
Raised when the header of a List view is clicked. |
Raised when the user clicks on a month cell in a SingleMonth and MonthRange views. |
Raised when the header of a Month view is clicked. |
Raised when the header of an MonthRange view is clicked. |
Raised when a cell in the week header of a Month view is clicked. |
Raised when the user is about to delete a recurring item. |
Raised when the bottom timeline of a Resource view is clicked. |
Raised when the middle timeline of a Resource view is clicked. |
Raised when the header of a Resource view row is clicked. |
Raised when the top timeline of a Resource view is clicked. |
Raised when the value of a scrollbar has changed. |
Raised when the header of a Timetable column is clicked. |
Raised to allow modification of the ToolTip of a calendar element before it gets displayed. |
Raised when the user selects another date using the month or year navigation controls on the calendar header area. |
Raised when the control has been scrolled vertically. |
Raised when the header of a WeekRange view is clicked. |