MindFusion WinForms Programmer's Guide
Using the SeriesCollection Editor

The SeriesCollection Editor enables design-time editing of lists that hold other lists with data. It is used for setting the following properties:

How to use the SeriesCollection editor?

  1. Click to edit any of the data properties in the Property browser and the SeriesCollection editor appears automatically:

  1. Use the Add button to add as many lists with data as necessary. Use Remove to remove any unwanted data lists.
  2. Add the numbers for the lists, separate them by commas. Do not use comma as a delimiter inside any number - it will be considered as separate values. 
  3. When ready with the data, click the Close tab at the top right corner of the SeriesCollection editor. The data appears as a string in the Property browser. The chart is updated with the new data.

See Also

Using the LabelsCollection Editor