MindFusion.Charting for WPF Programmer's Guide
Building a Surface Chart

A surface chart is a 3D chart that plots the correlation between its data points. It is useful for spotting trends or patterns. MindFusion.Charting for WPF offers you a quick and intuitive way to implement and customize a surface chart into your application - look at the following steps:

1. Create the surface chart

In design time, drag the icon of the surface chart from the tool box and place it at the desired control container (grid, window, panel etc.) of your application. You can also create the chart programmatically:

C#  Copy Code

SurfaceChart chart = new SurfaceChart();
Grid.SetRow(chart, 0);
Grid.SetColumn(chart, 0);

VB.NET  Copy Code

Dim chart As New SurfaceChart()
Grid.SetRow(chart, 0)
Grid.SetColumn(chart, 0)

2. Data

The data can be set either through numbers or data binding.

2.1 Set numerical arrays

Each of the XData, YData and ZData properties represent a one-dimensional list, where you add  your data or assign directly an array to the property:

C#  Copy Code

SurfaceSeries surfaceSeries = surfaceChart1.Series[0] as SurfaceSeries;
surfaceSeries.XData = new double[] { 1, 4, 5, 6 };


surfaceSeries.ZData = new double[] { -2.3, -8, -4.12, 1.66 };

surfaceChart1.Series[0] = surfaceSeries;

VB.NET  Copy Code

Dim surfaceSeries As SurfaceSeries = TryCast(surfaceChart1.Series(0), SurfaceSeries)
surfaceSeries.XData = New Double() {1, 4, 5, 6}


surfaceSeries.ZData = New Double() {-2.3, -8, -4.12, 1.66}

surfaceChart1.Series(0) = surfaceSeries

3. The surface

3.1 Surface color

The surface is drawn with its respective Brush (as specified in the SurfaceSeries.Fills) when the TextureType property is set to Brush.

C#  Copy Code

surfaceChart1.TextureType = TextureType.Brush;

VB.NET  Copy Code

surfaceChart1.TextureType = TextureType.Brush

3.2 Color map

You can draw the surface in different colors, which will demonstrate the distinction between the values. To do this, set the appropriate colors in the ColorMapList property and set TextureType to GradientColorMap or ExactColorMap.

Gradient color map.

Exact color map.

3.3 Wireframe

The chart can have a grid of lines at the surface that is called a wireframe. Set ShowWireFrame to true to display the wireframe. You can turn off color or color map for a chart that has a wireframe and vice versa - add a wireframe to each chart that has a surface color or colormap. The wireframe is drawn using the respective Brush (as specified in SurfaceSeries.Strokes) and its size is specified through the WireFrameThickness property.

3.4 Customizing how the surface is drawn

The surface can be drawn in oval shapes (slopes) when the InterpolationType property is set to Bezier. Alternatively, when the InterpolationType is Linear the slopes will appear as pyramids. The InterpolationSensitivity gives the radius, at which the elevation slope will be drawn - smaller values make up for steeper slopes and vice versa.

4. Camera

You can choose between a Perspective and Orthographic camera and between Directional and Ambient light. They are set with CameraType and LightType. If you enable AllowCameraInteraction the user will be able to change the position of the camera by clicking on the chart and dragging with the mouse. You can set the initial rotation angle and axis with the RotationAngle and RotationAxis properties.

5. Scale

If you want the chart to appear smaller or larger use the Scale property and assign to it the desired zoom factor.