Contains the settings of a chart axis.
The following tables list the members exposed by the Axis type.
Name | Description | |
Initializes a new instance of the AxisSettings class. |
Name | Description | |
Identifies the AxisCrossingPoint dependency property. |
Identifies the AxisOffset dependency property. |
Identifies the CustomLabelPosition dependency property. |
Identifies the HorLabelAlignment dependency property. |
Identifies the IntervalCount dependency property. |
Identifies the Interval dependency property. |
Identifies the LabelFontFamily dependency property. |
Identifies the LabelFontSize dependency property. |
Identifies the LabelFontStyle dependency property. |
Identifies the LabelFontWeight dependency property. |
Identifies the LabelFormat dependency property. |
Identifies the LabelOffset dependency property. |
Identifies the LabelPath dependency property. |
Identifies the LabelRotationAngle dependency property. |
Identifies the Labels dependency property. |
Identifies the LabelStroke dependency property. |
Identifies the LabelType dependency property. |
Identifies the MaxValue dependency property. |
Identifies the MinValue dependency property. |
Identifies the Stroke dependency property. |
Identifies the StrokeThickness dependency property. |
Identifies the Tick dependency property. |
Identifies the TitleFontFamily dependency property. |
Identifies the TitleFontSize dependency property. |
Identifies the TitleFontStyle dependency property. |
Identifies the TitleFontWeight dependency property. |
Identifies the TitleOffset dependency property. |
Identifies the Title dependency property. |
Identifies the TitleRotationAngle dependency property. |
Identifies the TitleStroke dependency property. |
Identifies the ValueFormat dependency property. |
Identifies the VertLabelAlignment dependency property. |
Name | Description | |
Gets or sets the point where this axis is crossed by the other axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the offset of the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the position of custom labels. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of labels at the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the interval between two adjacent values at the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the count of intervals at the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the font family for the labels at the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the font size for the labels at the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the font style for the chart labels. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the font weight for the labels at the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the format of the labels. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the offset of the label from the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the path to the property of the DataSource used for retrieving X-labels. |
Gets or sets the rotation angle of labels at a horizontal axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets custom labels for the axis. |
Gets or sets the brush for drawing the labels at the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the type of labels drawn at the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the maximum value at the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the minimum value at the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the brush for drawing the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the thickness of the stroke for this axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the length of tick marks. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the title of the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the font family for the title. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the font size for the title. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the font style for the title. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the font weight for the title. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the offset of the title label from the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the rotation angle of the title label at a horizontal axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the brush for drawing the title of the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the format of data related to this axis. This is a dependency property. |
Gets or sets the vertical alignment of labels at the axis. This is a dependency property. |
Name | Description | |
Occurs when a property of the AxisSettings object has changed. |