
Views that can be grouped: Timetable / Week Range / List / Resource. The other views do not support grouping.

In order to enable grouping the following steps should be done:

The following code illustrates how to enable grouping by contacts:

C#  Copy Code

// Define two contacts to group by
Contact c1 = new Contact();
c1.FirstName = "John";

Contact c2 = new Contact();
c2.FirstName = "Jack";

// Add the contacts to the schedule

// Select these contacts for grouping by adding them to
// the appropriate Calendar collection

// Enable grouping by contacts
calendar.GroupType = GroupType.GroupByContacts;

Visual Basic  Copy Code

' Define two contacts to group by
Dim c1 As New Contact()
c1.FirstName = "John"

Dim c2 As New Contact()
c2.FirstName = "Jack"

' Add the contacts to the schedule

' Select these contacts for grouping by adding them to
' the appropriate Calendar collection

' Enable grouping by contacts
calendar.GroupType = GroupType.GroupByContacts

The text displayed in the header of the corresponding resource depends on the type of the resource and is as follows:

Grouping and Appearance

  • In timetable view each column (or row in a horizontal view) that represents a day is additionally subdivided to the number of grouped resources. For example if there are 3 resources selected to group by, each day column in the view is subdivided to 3 columns. The sub-columns represent individual resources and contain only the items specific for them. The sub-columns have headers containing the resource text. The header of the day column is displayed above the headers of its underlying resource columns.
  • The week range view displays a separate view for grouped resources. For example if there are two resources, two views are displayed alongside, each of which contains the items associated with its corresponding resource.