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Normal Topic WebChart - Using over Internet (Read 1234 times)

WebChart - Using over Internet
Jun 29th, 2006 at 12:20am
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Are there any security implications using WebChart on the server side, as opposed to using on the client side hosted on a web page (as described in the Programmer's Guide below) when using over the Internet as opposed to Intranet? I guess not, as it's simply displaying a static image of the flowchart. Sorry for the question. If there is more info on this topic, please point me to it.

Also, would I get more functionality using the 'client side' method instead of the 'server side' method? Thanks.

"Note that .NET controls hosted in web pages can be used only with Internet Explorer on PCs having the Microsoft.NET framework installed. This, and the restricted by default .NET security settings for Internet zone, makes the ‘FlowChart.NET within a web page’ solution suitable mostly for Intranet web applications."
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Re: WebChart - Using over Internet
Reply #1 - Jun 29th, 2006 at 5:33am
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Yes, since the webchart approach only generates static images and image maps, it doesn't matter where the page will be viewed from.

What you get with the client side method is some interactivity - users can draw new nodes and links or modify existing ones.

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