I use Flowchart in a ruler control. The docextents of the flowchart control is set to Din A5 in the forms constructor.
publix Form()
RectangleF rec = new RectangleF(0, 0, 148, 210); //millimeter
btChart.DocExtents = rec;
AutoSizeDoc is set to None
Anchor to Top; Left
Dock to None
Th rulerControls Anchor property is set to Top;Left
and the Dock property to Fill
At designtime it looks okay
But when I start the app the flowchart control is always stretched to the borders of the ruler component. The user then can not see the Din A5 pagesize and the vertical scrollbar of the ruler control is not showing that the flowchart is in fact bigger.
It seems flowchart is automatically stretched when it's part of a ruler control?!
What can I do to let the flowchart look like a page with the size of the given DocExtents?
Is it possible to to mark the size of the embedded flowchart document on the ruler control?