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Normal Topic FlowChart.NET 5.0.1 has been released! (Read 1964 times)
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FlowChart.NET 5.0.1 has been released!
Oct 25th, 2007 at 10:13am
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We have released version 5.0.1 of FlowChart.NET. It contains the following new features:

*** Hyperlink support in SvgExporter and PdfExporter ***
SvgExporter and PdfExporter can create hyperlinks when the HyperLink property of items is set. The type of hyperlinks to create is defined via the HyperLinkStyle property, available for both export components. SvgExporter provides an additional HyperLinkTarget property, which defines the target window of the hyperlink.

*** Text wrapping enhancements ***
Previous versions of the control supported wrapping text to a new line only at word boundaries. Now the default is to split words into multiple parts if there is not enough space to fit a whole word. If you prefer the old behavior, set the Trimming member of TextFormat to StringTrimming.Word.
Now you can disable the automatic text wrapping by enabling the NoWrap flag in the FormatFlags member of TextFormat. If automatic wrapping is disabled and there isn't enough space to fit the whole line, the text is clipped at the node boundaries.

*** Improved layout algorithms ***
Now LayeredLayout can arrange the diagram links orthogonally, as specified through the LinkType property.
LayeredLayout can arrange nodes of varying size without overlapping. To enable that, set IgnoreNodeSize to false.
The AnnealLayout performance has been improved.
AnnealLayout can arrange nodes of varying size without overlapping.

*** FlowLayout graph layout algorithm ***
The FlowLayout algorithm can be used to lay out flowcharts and process diagrams. It works by applying a customizable set of rules for local positioning of connected nodes relatively to each other. On a larger scale, the algorithm keeps groups of nodes separate and prevents links between the groups from crossing nodes. The FlowLayout and ProcessLayout examples included in the FlowChart.NET package demonstrate two sample sets of layout rules.

*** Improved support for containers ***
If the FollowMasterContainment property of a group is enabled, the whole group is added to a container when the group's main node is dropped in that container. In addition, all items in such groups are hidden when the ContainerNode is folded.
ContainerFolded and ContainerUnfolded events have been added to the Diagram class.
VisioExporter now supports containers.

*** Miscellaneous ***
The CreatePrintDocument method lets you display the diagram in a PrintPreviewControl hosted in your own forms.
The control raises a DrawBackground event before drawing the alignment grid and the diagram items. This lets you render your own background graphics.
The Draw method of the Diagram class is now virtual. You can override it in a derived class to do additional drawing on top of what is rendered by default.
OnClick, OnDoubleClick and OnModify overridable methods have been added to the DiagramItem class.
The SvgExporter can export images to external files, as specified via the ExternalImages property.

*** API changes ***
The BreakOff member of the LinkCrossings enumeration has been renamed to Cut.
The Margins property of layout classes replaces the XGap and YGap properties.

Registered customers with an active upgrade subscription will receive their upgrades shortly.

A trial version is available for download here:

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