Hi Stoyo, Happy New Charting Year
I am having a couple of frustraing issues that I've tried a bundle of things to get around, but nothing is working correctly.
I have a chart that is displaying 7 different sections of information that can update seperately depending on user interaction, so instead of redrawing the whole chart every time a user clicks (which was creating an unacceptable lag), I am redrawing only the section that the user requested to be changed.
I am currently doing this by grouping the individual sections, the deleting the group to change, and rebuilding it (then rearranging the other groups around it if it has changed size)
1) When I do this, I lose the scroll bar, the handles on the end of the scroll bar are still there, however the bar itself disappears. Is there any way to force a scroll bar refresh?
2) The group delete is taking a ridiculously slow time to perform. I have timed some occasions at 30 ms to hide a group as opposed to 3 - 5 seconds to delete a group and all its objects, however simply hiding groups and rebuilding them creates lags after a time, as the hidden object are still recognised as chart objects.
I have tried hiding the changing group, and sending the group off to an Asynchronous clean up method, but was disallowed as the chart cannot be affected by a separate thread than that it was created on, and setting Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false made bad things happen. Is there any way to speed up the deletion of objects in a group, or a defined section of the chart?
I have tried fixing these by building each section asynchronously in individual background flowcharts, and building a new main chart each time by using the new Box (prototype) method, but the flowchart libraries appear inherently thread unsafe, and even though I am using separate FlowCharts, some calls appear to have threading clash issues, corrupt memory exceptions and 'parameter incorrect' exceptions.
Thanks in advance and any assitance would be greatly appreciated