Version 5.3.2 adds the features listed below. A beta version copy is available here:*** Topological graph layout ***
If the underlying graph if acyclic, TopologicalLayout arranges the nodes linearly in such a way that each node comes before all destination nodes of its outgoing links. The links are drawn as curves above the chain of nodes, with their height proportional to the distance between the nodes. If the graph is not acyclic, the layout algorithm finds an ordering with a minimal number of back links, and draws the back links below the chain of nodes.
*** Graph query language ***
The Query method of DiagramItem can be used to find items that can be reached from the current one by following a path described in the query expression specified as argument. The expression includes selectors separated by a / character, where each selector returns the items from the result set of the previous step. The expressions can also include boolean predicates that filter the results using boolean and arithmetic expressions.
*** PdfExporter multi-language support ***
The PdfExporter component now should automatically recognize the language of the items labels and apply the correct encoding in the exported PDF documents. Apart from the standard Western character set, officially supported are Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Central-European character sets.
*** Miscellaneous ***
- The GetProjectionRect and PointToClient methods of DiagramView3D return the client-area coordinates of the specified node or 3D point.
- The ShowArrowHeads property of DiagramView3D enables rendering of link arrowheads.
- QuickRouter now avoids link routes that include long U bends.
- If StraightenLongLinks is enabled, LayeredLayout straightens links that cross multiple layers of the graph.
- The Expandable property has been implemented for TreeViewNodes.
- ResizeToFitText method added to TreeViewNode.
- The Behavior property can be set to Pan to enable panning with the left mouse button.
*** Fixed bugs ***
- The lane grid wasn't printed.
- SpringLayout never used the value of the RepulsionFactor property; now it does.
Many thanks to anyone who tries the beta.