I am developing a DB explorer for a particular CRM package.
Users can add a table to a Diagram, TreeViewNode is used to represent the table.
By clicking on an underlined TreeViewItem, the following should happen:
1. New TreeViewNode is added to diagram representing the foreign table.
2. Link between the TreeViewItem clicked and the new Node needs to be created (Origin = item, Dest = node).
Polyline, Segment Count = 1 (e.g. straight line)
The Origin end of link should be anchored to either left or right of item in TreeViewNode, and scroll as TreeViewNode is scrolled (as per Demo app)
Dest end of link can be anchored anywhere on node boundary, ideally it will move around node (Dynamic/AutoRoute?) if origin node is moved.
3. Layout is performed (I'm thinking Spring) which keeps all existing nodes/links in same position, so only the new node is repositioned, along with any new links.
Obviously #1 is straight forward, but can I please get guidance for #2 & #3.
The idea is the diagram keeps on expanding outwards smartly in all direction as the user drills through tables.
If they click an item for a table already on the diagram, I only add a new link (keeping that tidy is another issue).
Thanks in advance