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Normal Topic MindFusion Pack for WPF Q1.2011 (Read 3847 times)
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MindFusion Pack for WPF Q1.2011
Nov 25th, 2010 at 8:28am
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MindFusion Pack for WPF Q1.2011 has been released. It adds the following new features:

MindFusion.Charting for WPF

MindFusion.Charting for WPF has been initially added to MindFusion Pack for WPF.

MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF

Swimlane layout algorithm

SwimlaneLayout can be used to arrange process diagrams in which nodes representing activities are placed in swimlanes representing resources. The index of the resource allocated to an activity should be assigned to the corresponding node's LayoutTraits[SwimlaneLayoutTraits.Lane].

By default, the algorithm works with the diagram's LaneGrid, but its SwimlaneGrid property can be set to any class that implements ISwimlaneGrid. This allows applying the layout to a custom-drawn grid rendered through a custom control template, or one composed of locked background nodes.

CascadeLayout algorithm

CascadeLayout places nodes on a virtual grid and arranges links orthogonally, such that if the source graph is planar all links are guaranteed to have no more than two bends and will not intersect. By default the layout method arranges nodes in rows and link segments in columns; this can be changed by setting the Orientation property.

TriangularLayout algorithm

TriangularLayout places nodes on a virtual grid, such that if the source graph is planar, all links are guaranteed to have a single segment and not intersect. If the graph is not planar, its intersecting links can be optionally segmented and bended in order to improve readability. The layout method places the nodes from the external face on a triangle and recursively adds the rest of the nodes as vertices of internal triangles. As a result, it is very effective for near maximal-planar (a.k.a. triangular) graphs.

HierarchicalLayout algorithm

HierarchicalLayout places nodes on user-defined levels, such that if the source graph is level-planar, all links are guaranteed to have a single segment and not intersect. The layout method requires that for each node LayoutTraits contains a HierarchicalLayoutTraits.Level entry specifying the level, and no two connected nodes must be on the same level.

  • OrthogonalLayout results have been greatly improved for nonplanar and high vertex-degree graphs.
  • LinkType adds supports for Bezier links to SpringLayout.
  • The swimlane grid can be printed by setting the EnableLanes property of PrintOptions.
  • The text of lane headers can be edited by the user if LaneGrid.AllowInplaceEdit is enabled.
  • TextBrush has been moved to the base DiagramItem class and now it is a dependency property.
  • EnumAllCycles method added to PathFinder.
  • Table cells now derive their default text attributes from the CellTextStyle property.

MindFusion.Scheduling for WPF

Resource View Improvements
  • The rows in the resource view can now be resized interactively by the users. To enable this functionality set AllowResizeRows to true.
  • The header texts are no longer scrolled out of view during horizontal scrolling.

Holiday Providers

The implementations of the new IHolidayProvider interface can now be used to supply culture-specific lists of holidays. The USHolidayProvider can be used to supply the major holidays in United States for a specific time interval.

  • CanSelect and IsPadding properties added to the CellPresenter class.
  • ShowInnerPaddingDays property added to the MonthRangeSettings class.

MindFusion.Reporting for WPF

New and Improved Charts

The PieChart has been improved with new properties allowing additional customizations. There are also new BarChart and LineChart report items. For more information about the new report items, refer to their respective topics.

MindFusion.UI for WPF

MindFusion.UI for WPF has been initially added to MindFusion Pack for WPF.

Registered customers with an active upgrade subscription can download the licensed version from the clients area on our site.

A trial version is available for download here:

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