Hi !
I use this code to save my node:
protected override void SaveToXml(System.Xml.XmlElement xmlElement, XmlPersistContext context)
base.SaveToXml(xmlElement, context);
context.WriteString(this.headText, "HeadText", xmlElement);
context.WriteString(this.hintText, "HintText", xmlElement);
context.WriteImage(this.icon, "Icon", xmlElement);
And this to Load it back:
protected override void LoadFromXml(System.Xml.XmlElement xmlElement, XmlPersistContext context)
base.LoadFromXml(xmlElement, context);
this.HeadText = context.ReadString("HeadText", xmlElement);
this.HintText = context.ReadString("HintText", xmlElement);
this.Icon = context.ReadImage("Icon", xmlElement);
It works perfect for the strings but the Icon is only a black box ???