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MindFusion Pack for Silverlight R1.2012
Sep 28th, 2012 at 11:40am
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MindFusion Pack for Silverlight R1.2012 has been released. It adds the following new features:


MindFusion.Charting for Silverlight has been initially added to MindFusion Pack for Silverlight.


A completely new assembly has been added to MindFusion Pack for Silverlight - MindFusion.DataViews.Silverlight. The assembly contains two new controls - ActivityChart and ResourceChart.


Automatic node alignment
If AutoAlignNodes is enabled, the node currently being drawn or resized is aligned to another node so that a pair of their vertical or horizontal sides become collinear. To specify the maximal distance at which nodes are aligned, set the AutoAlignDistance property. The pair of aligned nodes is indicated visually by drawing an alignment guide using the pen assigned to AlignmentGuidePen.

Fractal tree layout
FractalLayout is a tree layout algorithm that places child nodes symmetrically around their parent node. Nodes at the lowest level are arranged directly in a circle around their parent. At the upper level, the already arranged nodes form branches that are arranged in a circle around the new parent node. The algorithm is recursively repeated till the highest level is reached. If nodes in the tree have uniform number of children, the end result has fractal-like appearance (subsets of the graph look like scaled-down copies of the whole graph).

You can choose which node should be displayed at the center of the topmost circle by setting the Root property. If it is not specified, the algorithm automatically selects a root that leads to more balanced distribution of nodes.

Attaching and grouping items
DiagramLite allows attaching a node to another node, establishing a subordinate - master relationship between them. The easiest way to attach nodes is to call the AttachTo method. When a master node is moved, all of its subordinates follow it, so that the initial distance between them stays constant. This happens both when a user moves the master node around, and when the node's position is changed using a method or a property.

  • Specify start and end nodes in LayeredLayout via the StartNode and EndNode properties.
  • GetAllIncomingLinks and GetAllOutgoingLinks methods added.
  • The new LinkRouted event is raised when a link has been routed by the automatic routing algorithm.
  • MoveDirection constraint added to NodeConstraints.
  • AdjustmentHandlesSize, AllowMultipleResize and AllowUnconnectedLinks has been converted to dependency properties.


MindFusion.Mapping for Silverlight has been initially added to MindFusion Pack for Silverlight.


New exporters have been added - PdfExporter and MhtmlExporter, which enable exporting to the PDF and MHTML formats respectively.


MindFusion.Scheduling for WinPhone
MindFusion.Scheduling is now also available for WinPhone. The APIs for Silverlight and WinPhone are nearly identical with few exceptions explicitly marked in the documentation, most notably the absence of the Resource View in the WinPhone version.

The Calendar control now support virtualization and is able to handle hundreds of items. The virtualization cannot be turned off. When using custom item or cell presenters, you need to pay special attention to the fact that those presenters can be subsequently reused by the virtualization engine for other items or cells. When a CellPresenter is reused, its StartTime and EndTime properties are updated to reflect the start and end time of the new cell. This causes the OnStartTimeChanged and OnEndTimeChanged methods to be invoked. When an ItemPresenter is reused its Item property is updated and its OnItemChanged method is invoked.

Delayed Scrolling
Delayed scrolling can now be enabled through the new DelayScroll property. When scrolling is delayed calendar views do not update immediatelly during scrollbar interactions. Instead the control displays a small tooltip with information about the new scroll position. The contents of the tooltip can be a date or an index, depending on the specific view and the scrollbar being modified. When the scrollbar interaction is complete, the view updates to reflect the new scroll position.

  • The new KeepItemOrder property can be used to prioritize the newly created items during collision processing.

Registered customers with an active upgrade subscription can download the licensed version from the clients area on our site.

A trial version is available for download here:

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