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Normal Topic Is there a way that prevent the links from crossing the container title? (Read 1089 times)
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Is there a way that prevent the links from crossing the container title?
Oct 10th, 2012 at 9:29am
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Is there a way that prevent the links from crossing the container title as the attached shows?

Capture_011.PNG ( 13 KB | 61 Downloads )
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Re: Is there a way that prevent the links from crossing the container title?
Reply #1 - Oct 10th, 2012 at 11:07am
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The only way to achieve that I can think of is to add a temporary node over the container's caption to serve as an obstacle for the link routing algorithm. If you are routing the links as a one-time initialization step, you could remove the obstacle nodes afterwards. If you need the titles to remain obstacles for auto-routed links, you could use the AttachTo method to attach a Transparent or invisible ShapeNode to the container keeping it just over the title area.

Anyway, I think you will find the current one-segment link looks better than if it was making four additional bends to avoid container's title.

You might also consider left or right -aligning the caption text via the CaptionFormat property; this should move the caption away from the link, at least in that example.
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