We have released version 3.0.1 of WpfDiagram. It adds various customer-requested features and fixes several bugs:
Preserve order in tree layoutThe Balance property of TreeLayout can be set to Preserve to keep the original geometric order of child nodes when arranging them under their parent. This can be used to arrange tree branches in a specific order by first positioning them in increasing horizontal or vertical positions. Another possibility is to apply TreeLayout from NodeModified handler to let users rearrange the tree branches by dragging and dropping a node.
Selection improvements~ Set Behavior to SelectOnly to let users select existing items, but not modify them or draw new ones.
~ The SetsDirtyFlag property of the Selection class specifies whether the Dirty flag should be set when selection changes.
~ SelectionStartMoving event raised when the user begins moving multiple selected items.
~ The ToggleSelection modifier key can be used to select or deselect items by clicking, but disables selection via lasso rectangle.
Miscellaneous~ The AllowAddChildren and AllowRemoveChildren properties of ContainerNode specify whether users are allowed to add or remove child nodes to / from the container.
~ The GetNearestBorderPoint method of DiagramNode can be used to find a point from the node's border closest to a specified point.
~ The ScrollZoneSize property of Diagram can be used to specify the size of the area near the control edges that starts auto-scrolling.
~ The last row in a TableNode will now be rendered clipped if it fits only partially inside the node, whereas in previous versions the row would not be rendered at all.
~ The HandlesStyle of a link can now be set to Invisible to stop rendering its selection handles, but still allow dragging control points.
~ The Tag property of DiagramDocument (inherited from FrameworkElement) is now automatically saved in XML files if it's a simple value, and SerializeTag is raised to let you save complex objects.
Fixed bugs~ Ruler alignment guides did not set the Dirty flag.
~ Images exported by CreateImage excluded items at negative coordinates.
~ ZTop and ZBottom methods did not work correctly with layers.
Registered customers with an active upgrade subscription can download the licensed version from the
clients area on our site.
A trial version is available for download here:
https://mindfusion.eu/WpfDiagTrial.zip Enjoy!