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MindFusion.WinForms Pack, 2013.R2
Nov 5th, 2013 at 7:00am
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MindFusion Pack for WinForms 2013.R2 has been released. It adds the following new features:


Pie chart interactions
Pies in 2D and 3D pie charts can now be resized with the mouse. Set AllowEdit to true to let users change the values of each two adjacent pie pieces by dragging their common border with the mouse. The HitTestAngleOffset property sets the deviation, in degrees, at which the user can click around the pieces border and the click would still be considered as a click on the border.

Support for undefined data values
You can now use null (undefined) values in your data for all charts. There are several options how the control handles the null values - see the HandleEmptyValue property and the HandleEmptyValue enumeration.

Now all chart types support tool tips. Area charts in particular can show a different tooltip for every region between two adjacent data points.

Chart themes are now represented as XML files that can be saved and loaded with SaveTheme and LoadTheme. There is a special theme editor tool that facilitates saving, editing and opening of chart themes. We also provide an initial set of 8 predefined themes.

Major/minor axis ticks
You can divide the scale of any chart axis more precisely with the new MajorTickLength and MinorTickLength properties. Set them to a value greater than 0 and the control draws ticks not only at the scale intervals but also among them. The number of minor axis ticks in each interval is set with MinorTicksPerInterval. The ticks are drawn with MajorTickPen and MinorTickPen.

Improved hit-testing
  • A bug is fixed that gave false results by hit testing in 3D cylinders
  • SecondDataIndex in the Line element gives you the index of the data next to the point where the user has clicked. The new property, together with DataIndex lets you know the region of an area chart where the user has clicked.
  • DataIndex and SeriesIndex properties are supported for all chart types - you can learn the index of the series and the index in the series of the element that was clicked.

Custom number formatting
Numeric values throughout the charts can now be displayed using custom formatting. To apply custom formatting, set the respective NumberFormat property to Custom and specify the custom format string through the corresponding *CustomFormat property. Below is the complete list of all NumberFormat properties and their *CustomFormat counterparts:
  • NumberFormat/NumberCustomFormat in AxisSettings
  • InnerLabelFormat/InnerLabelCustomFormat in BarChart
  • TopLabelFormat/TopLabelCustomFormat in BarChart
  • LabelFormat/LabelCustomFormat in LineChart
  • InnerLabelFormat/InnerLabelCustomFormat in PieChart
  • OuterLabelFormat/OuterLabelCustomFormat in PieChart
  • InnerLabelFormat/InnerLabelCustomFormat in RadarChart
  • OuterLabelFormat/OuterLabelCustomFormat in RadarChart

API changes
  • The DivMarkerAlignment property is replaced by TickAlignment
  • DivMarkerLength is replaced by MajorTickLength


Support for Mono
MindFusion.Diagramming can now be used under the Mono runtime for OSX or Linux. A single version of the mindfusion.* assemblies can be referenced by both Mono and Microsoft .NET applications. The control detects what runtime has loaded it, and provides alternative implementations for features that are currently missing from Mono.

Custom measure units
The type of the MeasureUnit property has been changed from GraphicsUnit enum to MeasureUnit class. This class lets you define custom units by specifying their dots-per inch resolution, a string name, and number of standard divisions for display in the Ruler control. The MeasureUnit class is based on a previous implementation for use in Ruler from the MindFusion.Diagramming.WinForms namespace, and the ruler's Unit property has been updated to use the new class too.

There are two new predefined units available out of the box: Centimeter and WpfPoint. The latter also lets you load XML files created by WPF and Silverlight versions of the control into a Windows Forms application.

Shape control points
Shape formulas can now be parameterized by associating control points with Shape objects. Each control point is passed to the shape script as a named variable. Apart from the name, you can specify the default, min and max coordinates for each parameter via the ShapeControlPoint constructor, and whether to treat its values as percents or fixed offset.

ContainerNode improvements
  • Child nodes are now drawn by their containers; when containers overlap, the children of a lower container cannot appear in front of the upper container anymore;
  • The ClipChildren property specifies whether to clip child items to container’s boundaries;
  • The ZIndex property no longer changes automatically when dropping nodes into a container;
  • The Visible property of child items no longer changes when folding or unfolding containers; this lets you keep invisible items inside containers;
  • When selection including a container and its child node is dropped into another container, the child node now remains in its original container;

Import OpenOffice Draw files
The DrawImporter class can import .odg files, created by the OpenOffice Draw vector graphics editor. In order to use it, you must add a reference to the MindFusion.Diagramming.Import.Draw.dll assembly. Various overloads of the Import method can be used to import the OpenOffice drawing into a DiagramDocument whose pages correspond to the Draw pages, or into a single Diagram whose content is merged from all imported pages. DrawImporter supports shapes from the General and Flowchart shape palettes in Draw. For each node shape from the .odg file, the importer creates a ShapeNode object whose Shape, Text, Brush and Pen properties are set to values corresponding to the imported OpenOffice shape. For each connector shape, the importer creates a DiagramLink object whose Origin and Destination are set to the corresponding imported nodes, and whose ControlPoints reflect the geometry of the connector.

PdfExporter improvements
  • Improved handling of clip regions in custom drawing code;
  • PdfExporter now honors the target Rectangle property of linear gradients;
  • PDF shadings now include all colors from a ColorBlend;
  • More precise character widths set when text includes both eastern glyphs and Latin characters;
  • More precise widths set for Cyrillic characters;

API changes
  • The HitTestHandle method now returns an AdjustmentHandle result instead of bool and ref int values.
  • The type of HitResult argument of the HitTestAdjustmentHandles event has been changed to AdjustmentHandle.
  • AnchorUnitType enumeration has been renamed to UnitType.

New events
  • The SetSelfLoopShape event is raised when a link becomes a self-loop, giving you a chance to set a custom shape for the link;
  • QueryAlignTarget event is raised to determine if a node should be used as alignment guide target when AutoAlignNodes is enabled;

  • The XUnit and YUnit properties allow specifying the coordinates of an AnchorPoint as a fixed offset from the node's top-left corner rather than in percentage, so that the point position does not change when the node is resized.
  • The RotationHandleBrush property of HandlesVisualStyle can be used to set the brush of rotation handles.
  • New RoundAndSquare and RoundAndSquare2 handle styles can be set as the HandlesStyle of nodes.
  • Styles can now specify stroke dash styles via the StrokeDashStyle property of DiagramItemStyle and HeadStrokeDashStyle property of DiagramLinkStyle.
  • Improved placement of AutoArrange link labels along shorter link segments.
  • The ArrangeLinkLabels method rearranges link labels whose AutoArrange flag is set.
  • Fixed a bug in automatic layout of off-screen link labels.
  • NegatedX and NegatedY properties added to Ruler control.
  • CatchGdiPlusExceptions property now works for nodes too.
  • HtmlBuilder can now create areas for TreeViewNode items.
  • Public Sort methods added to diagram item collection classes.


Several bug fixes and improvements.


Several new members have been added:
  • Calendar.FilterItem event
  • Calendar.SetViewport method
  • ResourceViewSettings.EnableCollisions property

Registered customers with an active upgrade subscription can download the licensed version from the clients area on our site.

A trial version is available for download here:

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