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Normal Topic Version 1.2.2 beta (Read 2169 times)
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Version 1.2.2 beta
Dec 30th, 2015 at 9:50am
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MindFusion.Diagramming for Android v1.2.2 includes the following new features and improvements:

Context menu
A long press over a diagram item displays a radial menu that lets users delete the item or edit its text. Handle the contextMenuOpening event to customize the menu by adding new items or removing standard ones. You can add a new item by calling the addMenuItem method or by adding a new RadialMenuItem instance to the Items list. A long press over unoccupied part of the diagram raises contextMenuOpening and displays a menu only if the event handler adds any custom items.

~ Length and LengthType classes are now public to let you define GridPanel row and column sizes from code instead of XML templates.
~ Undo/redo records for in-place edit operations are now created automatically.
~ KeepInsideDiagram constraint prevents a node from leaving diagram boundaries during user interaction (the older RestrictItemsToBounds property does not stop nodes from leaving diagram area but returns them to original position if dropped outside).
~ StartPoint and EndPoint properties provide a shortcut to setting the first and last control points of a DiagramLink.

If anyone is interested in trying the beta version, please download this archive containing updated jar and help files:

Any comments, questions and general feedback are welcome.
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