We have released version 4.2 of MindFusion.Diagramming for ASP.NET MVC. It adds the following new features and improvements:
Multiple diagram pagesThe DiagramDocument class represents a collection of diagram pages or sheets, represented by DiagramPage objects. New pages can be added to the document and existing pages can be removed and reordered by modifying the Pages collection. The SaveToJsonFile, SaveToXml and SaveToString methods of DiagramDocument save all pages in a single file, and respectively the LoadFromJsonFile, LoadFromXml and LoadFromString methods load all pages from the file.
DiagramPage is derived from Diagram and only adds a few properties, so any code that processes Diagram objects will work with DiagramPage objects too. A diagram document forwards each event raised by its pages, giving you a chance to use the same handler for events raised by different pages. If a page should implement distinct user interaction or validation logic, it is also possible to attach handlers to the Diagram events inherited by DiagramPage.
A single DiagramPage could be assigned to the Diagram property of DiagramView, and that lets you create your own user interface for presenting a list of pages to the user and selecting a current page. The package also includes a TabbedDiagramView that presents all pages of a document in a tabbed user interface where each tab corresponds to a page. The page displayed in the active tab is exposed by the selectedPage property of TabbedDiagramView. The active page can be changed interactively by activating its associated tab. New pages can be added and removed to / from the document through buttons in the tab strip and the pages can be rearranged by dragging their associated tabs with the mouse.
Tabbed diagram viewThe TabbedDiagramView control is a view that displays DiagramDocument objects. Individual diagram pages can be activated through the tabs located at the top or at the bottom of the control. The appearance and behavior of the tab strip can be customized using various properties. The location and visibility of the strip is specified through the TabAlignment property. Its height can be changed via the TabsSize property. ShowAddButton and ShowNavigationButtons determine the visibility of the buttons for interactive tab creation and tab navigation respectively. ShowTabCloseButtons specifies whether the tabs can be closed interactively, by clicking on the small 'x' button displayed in each tab. AllowReorder enables interactive tab rearrangement by mouse dragging.
Async serializationFiles can now be saved and loaded asynchronously. Async methods create a copy of the diagram to process it in a worker thread, and custom item classes must implement Clone method or copy constructor in order to serialize them as expected.
- async SaveToFileAsync and LoadFromFileAsync methods of Diagram and DiagramDocument implement serialization in binary format.
- async SaveToXmlAsync and LoadFromXmlAsync methods of Diagram and DiagramDocument implement serialization in XML format.
- async SaveToJsonFileAsync, SaveToJsonAsync, LoadFromJsonFileAsync, LoadFromJsonAsync methods of Diagram and DiagramDocument implement serialization in JSON format.
Reversed tree layouts(client side / JavaScript)
The reversedLinks property of TreeLayout, RadialTreeLayout and BorderedTreeLayout lets you arrange trees where links point from child to parent nodes, instead of the default parent to child direction.
Miscellaneous- column, row and node property getters added to CellEventArgs.
- fixed RaiseEvents mode of expandButtonAction; it no longer collapses or expands clicked node's subtree.
- ContainerNode now sorts its child nodes by zIndex instead of insertion order.
Installer for the latest version can be downloaded here, or from the
clients area on our site:
https://www.mindfusion.eu/MvcDiagramTrial.zipUpdated assemblies and script files are also available as
MindFusion.Diagramming.Mvc NuGet package.