A control used to draw area charts.
The following tables list the members exposed by the AreaChart type.
Name | Description | |
Initializes a new instance of the AreaChart class. |
Name | Description | |
The System.Drawing.Brush used to fill tooltip's background. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
The System.Drawing.Pen used to draw tooltip borders. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Name | Description | |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to move the legend. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to pan the chart's plot. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to zoom into plots' data ranges. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets the list of series whose labels are drawn as annotations. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the opacity of area polygons. |
Gets or sets dashboard's background image. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets the alignment of BackgroundImage relatively to dashboard boundaries. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets whether auto-size mode is enabled for BackgroundImage. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets the GridPanel that contains the chart's PlotPanel and axis renderers. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the chart's data source. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating how to format DateTime values as labels. |
Gets or sets the type of grid to draw in this chart. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are shown as inner labels of rendered graphical elements. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets a LayoutBuilder instance that provides shortcut methods for building fragments of dashboard's user interface. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets a Panel containing dashboard components that should participate in layout measurements and be arranged relatively to each other. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets the type of legend label to show for series elements. This property is used for charts that show legend elements for individual data items, such as PieChart and FunnelChart. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the legend. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the margin space around the legend. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets the LegendRenderer component used to draw the chart's legend. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the distance between adjacent entries in the legend. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the legend title. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the legend. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the license key of the control. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets what type of line segments to draw between data points. |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are shown as outer labels of rendered graphical elements. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether grid stripes should be pinned in place or scroll together with the plot when users pan it. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the Image drawn inside chart's plot area. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the alignment of PlotImage relatively to the plot boundaries. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets whether auto-size mode is enabled for PlotImage. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets the Panel that contains the chart's plot and associated elements. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets the root Panel in the hierarchy of dashboard components. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
BiaxialChart.Series override. Gets or sets the list of series whose data is drawn in this chart. |
Gets or sets what kind of labels from data series should be drawn. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show highlights on data items. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart should draw a legend. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the legend title. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart should render scatter shapes. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show tooltips. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show X axis coordinates. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show a RangeSelector for the X axis, to let users scroll or resize the currently visible horizontal data window. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show X axis ticks. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show Y axis coordinates. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show a RangeSelector for the Y axis, to let users scroll or resize the currently visible vertical data window. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show Y axis ticks. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the plot should show zoom buttons. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the sub-title of this chart. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the Brush used to draw chart's Subtitle. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the name of Font used to draw chart's Subtitle. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the size of Font used to draw chart's Subtitle. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the style of Font used to draw chart's Subtitle. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the margin space around Subtitle. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets a Theme specifying appearance of dashboard elements. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Gets or sets the title of this chart. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the Brush used to draw chart's Title. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the name of Font used to draw chart's Title. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the size of Font used to draw chart's Title. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the style of Font used to draw chart's Title. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the margin space around Title. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are shown as tooltips of rendered graphical elements. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets an Axis object representing horizontal data range. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the rotation angle of X axis data labels. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are shown as X axis labels of rendered graphical elements. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the length of X axis ticks. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are assigned to X coordinates of rendered graphical elements. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the largest value allowed to scroll to using the X axis' RangeSelector. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the smallest value allowed to scroll to using the X axis' RangeSelector. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets an Axis object representing vertical data range. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the rotation angle of Y axis data labels. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are shown as Y axis labels of rendered graphical elements. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the length of Y axis ticks. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are assigned to Y coordinates of rendered graphical elements. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of Y-axis labels. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the largest value allowed to scroll to using the Y axis' RangeSelector. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the smallest value allowed to scroll to using the Y axis' RangeSelector. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are shown as Z axis labels of rendered graphical elements. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the names of fields in the data source whose values are assigned to Z coordinates of rendered graphical elements. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Name | Description | |
Contains series generated from DataSource data. (Inherited from Chart.) |
The initial size of the control when it is dropped into a form. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
BiaxialChart.SeriesRenderer override. Gets the default SeriesRenderer for this chart. |
Name | Description | |
Overloaded. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Binds the chart to current DataSource. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Searches for a series element at specified location. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Implements RootControl.InvalidateLayout. Invalidates the specified region of a component. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Implements RootControl.InvalidateLayout. Invalidates layout of specified component. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Searches for a series element closest to specified location. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Chart.ResetZoom override. Resets zoom level to original data range. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Chart.ZoomOut override. Zooms out of current data range. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Name | Description | |
Creates the Plot type corresponding to this chart. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Dashboard.CreateRenderContext override. Creates a RenderContext instance. (Inherited from BiaxialChart.) |
Draws the dashboard on specified IGraphics surface. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Control.OnClick override. Raises the DataItemClicked event if the user has clicked on data element in a plot. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Control.OnMouseDown override. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Control.OnMouseMove override. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Control.OnMouseUp override. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Control.OnPaddingChanged override. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Control.OnPaint override. Draws the components contained by this dashboard. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Control.OnResize override. Invalidates the layout of child components and runs a new layout pass. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |
Control.OnSizeChanged override. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Name | Description | |
Raised when the user clicks on a data item inside a plot. (Inherited from Dashboard.) |