Tutorial 3: Mixed Chart Graphics

This tutorial shows how to draw different types of chart graphics inside same Plot. Each Chart -derived component from the library is a Dashboard specialization that adds a single SeriesRenderer to the plot, e.g. BarChart adds a BarRenderer to its Plot by default. You can create additional renderers from different types and add them to a chart as in this example, or build a dashboard with multiple plots and renderers as demonstrated in next tutorial. The following sample code builds upon Tutorial 2, moving two of the Series to a LineRenderer.

1. Remove the low and high series and color assignments from previous tutorial code, leaving only open and close prices:

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// a series of daily opening prices
    new MySeries(stockPrices, PriceType.Open));

// a series of daily closing prices
    new MySeries(stockPrices, PriceType.Close));

// assign different colors to each series
chart.Theme.CommonSeriesFills = new List<Brush>
    new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow),
    new SolidBrush(Color.LightBlue)

2. Create a LineRenderer for the low and high prices:

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var minMaxSeries = new ObservableCollection<Series>
    new MySeries(stockPrices, PriceType.Low),
    new MySeries(stockPrices, PriceType.High)

var minMaxRenderer = new LineRenderer(minMaxSeries);

3. Set appearance attributes for the lines by setting renderer's SeriesStyle property. The Fills list here is only set for the legend items:

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minMaxRenderer.SeriesStyle = new PerSeriesStyle
    Strokes = new List<Brush>
        new SolidBrush(Color.Red),
        new SolidBrush(Color.Green)
    Fills = new List<Brush>
        new SolidBrush(Color.Red),
        new SolidBrush(Color.Green)
    StrokeThicknesses = new List<double> { 4 }

4. Add the new renderer to both chart's Plot and to the legend box:

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5. Running the example now should show line graphics on top of the bars: