The list below describes recent changes and additions to MindFusion.Diagramming:
Version 1.0.6
New mouse events
- NodePointed event has been replaced by a set of more specific events: NodePointerEnter and NodePointerLeave are raised when the mouse pointer respectively enters or leaves the boundaries of a node. NodeHovered fires if the pointer rests over a node for HoverDelay milliseconds.
- LinkPointed event has been replaced by a set of more specific events: LinkPointerEnter and LinkPointerLeave are raised when the mouse pointer respectively enters or leaves the boundaries of a link. LinkHovered fires if the pointer rests over a link for HoverDelay milliseconds.
- Set the AutoDeleteLinks property to false to prevent deleting links along with a node they connect, and disconnect the links instead.
- DividerPen property added to ContainerNode, TableNode and TreeViewNode classes. It lets you customize the appearance of the divider line drawn between a node's caption bar and content area.
- Text alignment fixes.
- Fixed label placement when SetLinkLengthPosition is called with 1 as argument value.
API changes
LinkPointed and
NodePointed events replaced by
LinkHovered and
Version 1.0
The first Diagramming for Blazor release includes most of the features from MindFusion.Diagramming desktop controls, including link routers and graph layout algorithms. The following list outlines the differences.
- The System.Drawing namespace is not available for Blazor WebAssembly. The RectangleF, PointF, SizeF and Color properties from the diagramming API have been changed to respective Rect, Point, Size and Color from Microsoft.Maui.Graphics namespace.
- Available node classes include ShapeNode, ContainerNode, TableNode, TreeViewNode, FreeFormNode, CompositeNode. Missing types are ControlNode, BarcodeNode, MapNode and VisioNode. These will be added upon request.
- Available export classes include VisioExporter, SvgExporter, PdfExporter, DxfExporter, ExcelExporter. Missing ones are WmfExporter (Windows Metafile format) and SwfExporter (Adobe Flash format).
- Available UI controls include NodeListView and ContextMenu. Missing controls are TabbedDiagramView, Overview, Ruler, ZoomControl, which will be implemented in next releases.