VisioExporter.Export Method (Diagram, String)
See Also

Creates a Visio XML Drawing file representing the specified MindFusion.Diagramming diagram.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Export
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Export.Visio


C#  Copy Code

public void Export (
    Diagram diagram,
    string vdxPathName

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Sub Export( _
    diagram As Diagram, _
    vdxPathName As String _



A reference to the diagram to be exported.

The full path to the exported Visio .vdx file.


The exported document contains a single page, as big as the MindFusion.Diagramming scrollable diagram area. The Visio page dimension and items size measure unit is set to the diagram's MeasureUnit.

To run properly, this method requires the VisioExport.vxt file to be present in the application's directory. That file contains an XML template data used by the component to construct Visio documents.

 See Also