Other Enumerations
The following enumerations are available globally.
- far: Specifies that the object is aligned at the origin position of the layout rectangle.
- near: Specifies that the object is aligned at the opposite side of the origin position of the layout rectangle.
- center: Specifies that the object is aligned at the center between the origin position of the layout rectangle and its opposite side.
public enum Align : Int
Defines values that specify how automatic layout algorithms align links to anchor points.
- ignore: Anchor points are ignored.
- keep: Links are aligned to their original anchor points.
- reassign: Links are aligned to new anchor points, depending on the positions of graph nodes after a layout is applied.
public enum Anchoring
Indicates the position of an assistant node in a tree.
- left: The assistant node is aligned to the left.
- right: The assistant node is aligned to the right.
public enum AssistantPosition : Int
Indicates the type of an assistant node in a tree.
- normal: The node is an assistant and its relative position is determined automatically by the layout.
- left: The node is an assistant and it is always positioned to the left of its parent.
- right: The node is an assistant and it is always positioned to the right of its parent.
public enum AssistantType : Int
Specifies the possible ways to attach a DiagramNode to a link.
- center: The link is attached to the center of the DiagramNode.
public enum AttachToLink : Int
Defines values specifying the possible ways to attach a node to another node.
- topLeft: The node follows the top-left corner of the master node.
- topRight: The node follows the top-right corner of the master node.
- bottomLeft: The node follows the bottom-left corner of the master node.
- bottomRight The node follows the bottom-right corner of the master node.
public enum AttachToNode : Int
Defines values that specify how the library responds to actions performed by the user ShapeNode.
- modify: Objects can be selected and modified. New objects cannot be created.
- drawShapes: Drawing with the mouse creates ShapeNode instances.
- drawLinks: Drawing started over a node creates a DiagramLink. Otherwise a lasso rectangle is displayed allowing the selection of items.
- linkShapes: A mode that is suitable for creating flowcharts and process diagrams. Drawing over empty document area creates a ShapeNode instance. Drawing started over a node creates a DiagramLink.
- linkTables: A mode that is suitable for creating entity-relationship diagrams. Drawing over empty document area creates a TableNode instance. Drawing started over a node creates a DiagramLink.
- drawTables: Drawing with the mouse creates TableNode instances.
- doNothing: The control ignores users actions with the mouse, but raises the appropriate mouse events. This mode allows applications to implement their own mouse-drawing behavior, disabling the default response to users actions.
- custom: Specifies that user input should be handled by the BehaviorBase-derived object assigned to CustomBehavior.
- drawContainers: Drawing with the mouse creates ContainerNode instances.
- linkContainers: Drawing over empty document area creates a ContainerNode instance. Drawing started over a node creates a DiagramLink.
- pan: Dragging with the mouse pans the view. This requires that the Diagram is contained in a ScrollViewer.
- drawTreeViews: Drawing with the mouse creates TreeViewNode instances.
- linkTreeViews: Drawing over an empty document area creates a TreeViewNode instance. Drawing started over a node creates a DiagramLink.
- selectOnly: Allow only selection of existing items. Modifying them or drawing new ones is disabled.
- panAndModify: Items can be selected and modified. New items cannot be created, and dragging without grabbing an adjustment handle pans the view.
- moveNodes: Dragging with the mouse moves the node under mouse pointer.
public enum Behavior : Int
Specifies the style of the cells’ frame lines.
- none: Table cells have no border.
- simple: The border of table cells is simple line.
public enum CellFrameStyle : Int
Specifies what kind of custom painting to perform on diagram elements.
- none: Do not perform custom drawing, let all painting be done by the control. - additional: The custom painting code executes after item's interior and frame are painted by the control, but before text is rendered. In this mode, the DrawingContext instance passed to the custom drawing event handler has a clipping region applied to it.
- shadowOnly: The custom drawing is applied only on the shadows.
- additional2: The custom painting code executes after all parts of an item are painted by the control. In this mode, the DrawingContext instance passed to the custom drawing event handler doesn’ have a clipping region applied to it.
public enum CustomDraw : Int
See moreDeclaration
public enum DashStyle : Int
Identifies directory types.
- documents: Directory for documents.
- library: Directory for library documents.
- temp: Directory for temp documents.
- saves: Directory for saved files.
public enum Directories : Int
Defines values that specify the visual style of the alignment grid.
- points: The grid is painted as a matrix of points.
- lines: The grid is represented as a series of crossing horizontal and vertical lines.
public enum GridStyle : Int
public enum HandlesStyle : Int
Identifies options to align diagram items horizontally.
- left: The item is aligned to the left.
- center: The item is aligned to the center.
- right: The item is aligned to the right.
public enum HorizontalAlignment : Int
Identifies styles for hyperlinks.
- none: The hyperlink has no style.
- text: The hyperlink is text.
- shape: The hyperlink is diagram shape.
public enum HyperLinkStyle : Int
Identifies how an image could be aligned.
- center: The image is aligned in the center.
- fit: The image is aligned to fit the available space.
- stretch: The image is stretched to cover the available space.
- tile: The image is tiled to cover the available space.
- topLeft: The image is aligned in the top left corner of the available space.
- bottomLeft: The image is aligned in the bottom left corner of the available space.
- topRight: The image is aligned in the top right corner of the available space.
- bottomRight: The image is aligned in the bottom right corner of the available space.
- topCenter: The image is aligned in the top center corner of the available space.
- bottomCenter: The image is aligned in the bottom center corner of the available space.
- middleLeft: The image is aligned in the middle left corner of the available space.
- middleRight: The image is aligned in the middle right corner of the available space.
- fitLeft: The image is resized to fit the size of the object and aligned to left side.
- fitTop: The image is resized to fit the size of the object and aligned to top side.
- fitRight: The image is resized to fit the size of the object and aligned to right side.
- fitBottom: The image is resized to fit the size of the object and aligned to bottom side.
public enum ImageAlign : Int
Specifies the preferred orientation for the main connector type.
- topToBottom: Specifies top-to-bottom orientation.
- leftToRight: Specifies left-to-right orientation.
- bottomToTop: Specifies bottom-to-top orientation.
- rightToLeft: Specifies right-to-left orientation.
public enum LayoutDirection : Int
Specifies the type of license for the diagram library.
- singleDeveloper: A single developer license.
- fourDevelopersTeam: A team of four developers.
- eightDevelopersTeam: A team of eight developers.
- siteWide: A license for all developers of a company at a given location.
- enterprise: A license for all developers of a company on all its locations.
public enum LicenseType : UInt8
Identifies types if link crossings.
- straight: Straight link crossing.
- arc: Arc link crossing.
- cut: Cut link crossing.
public enum LinkCrossings : Int
Specifies available link shapes.
- bezier: The segments of a link are Bézier curves.
- polyline: The segments of the link are straight lines.
- cascading: The segments of a link are horizontal and vertical lines, each one orthogonal to each adjacent segment.
public enum LinkShape : Int
Specifies the visual style of anchor point marks.
- node: Anchor point marked with a node.
- cross: No visual indication for the anchor point.
- x: Anchor point marked with an ‘X’.
- circle: Anchor point marked with a circle.
- rectangle: Anchor point marked with a rectangle.
- custom: Custom anchor point.
public enum MarkStyle : Int
Identifies types of MeasureUnit-s.
- logical: Logical MeasureUnit.
- device: Device MeasureUnit.
- special: Special MeasureUnit.
public enum MeasureUnitType
Specifies graph orientation.
- horizontal: Indicates that graphs should be placed in a row.
- vertical: Indicates that graphs should be placed in a column.
public enum MultipleGraphsPlacement
Specifies types of adjustment handles.
- none: No adjustment handles are enabled.
- move: The center selection handle is enabled and can be used to move the node.
- resizeTopLeft: The top-left handle is enabled and can be used to resize the node.
- resizeTop: The top-left, top-center and top-right handles are enabled and can be used to resize the node.
- resizeTopRight: The top-right handle is enabled and can be used to resize the node.
- resizeRight: The top-right, bottom-right and middle-right handles are enabled and can be used to resize the node.
- resizeBottomRight: The bottom-right handle is enabled and can be used to resize the node.
- resizeBottom: The bottom-left, bottom-center and bottom-right handles are enabled and can be used to resize the node.
- resizeBottomLeft: The bottom-left handle is enabled and can be used to resize the node.
- resizeLeft: The top-left, middle-left and bottom-left handles are enabled and can be used to resize the node.
- rotate: The rotation handle is enabled and can be used to rotate the node.
public enum NodeHandleType : Int
Defines values that specify the orientation of the first segment of cascading links.
- auto: The control determines automatically the initial direction of link’s first segment.
- horizontal: The first segment of the link is always horizontal.
- vertical: The first segment of the link is always vertical.
public enum Orientation : Int
public enum VisualizationPosition
Specifies how the link labels are positioned.
- segment: Indicates that the link labels are positioned relative to a specified segment.
- controlPoint: Indicates that the link labels are positioned relative to a specified control point.
- linkLength: Indicates that the link labels are positioned relative to the link.
public enum RelativeToLink : Int
Specifies where the diagram is being rendered.
- display: The diagram is rendered on the screen.
- printer: The diagram is rendered on a printer.
public enum RenderTarget : Int
Specifies when anchors points should be displayed.
- always: Anchor point marks are always painted.
- never: Anchor point marks are never painted.
- auto: Anchor point marks are shown for the node under the mouse cursor.
- selected: Anchor point marks are painted for the selected node.
public enum ShowAnchors : Int
Specifies the shape of the diagram links after they are laid out.
- default: Indicates the default link type.
- straight: Indicates straight links with a single segment.
- cascading: Indicates cascading links with segments.
public enum TreeLayoutLinkType : Int
Defines values that indicate whether point positions are specified in percentage, or in absolute units relative to the node’s top-left corner.
- percentage: Point coordinates are specified as percentage of the node’s size.
- fixed: Point coordinates designate fixed offset from the node’s top-left corner.
public enum UnitType : Int
Provides values that indicate how diagram elements are aligned vertically.
- top: The element is aligned to the top of the allocated space.
- center: The element is aligned to the center of the allocated space.
- bottom: The element is aligned to the bottom of the allocated space.
public enum VerticalAlignment : Int