Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) Operations
Creating records
Users can add new records to the grid's model interactively by typing in the new empty row, that is shown at the bottom of the list. When a cell's value is changed, the rowCreating event is raised, which allows you to cancel the operation or to initialize default values for the new row. A common task is to increment the value of the unique key field for the new record. You can use your custom function, generating unique values, or the ArrayModel's getMaxKey method, which returns the maximum value of its specified key field as determined by a data type dependent sorting function. The incremented value can then be set in the record's rowData, provided in the event arguments.
Copy Code
grid.rowCreating.addEventListener((sender, args) => { var maxIndex = sender.model.getMaxKey(); args.rowData["index"] = ++maxIndex; }); |
If the
rowCreating event is not cancelled, the new record is added to the grid's model and the
rowCreated event is raised.
Rows can be added programmatically by using the
addRow method of the
grid and passing the
rowData as a parameter.
Updating records
Users can update records interactively by using the built-in inplace editing functionality of the grid. When a cell's value is changed, the
rowUpdating event is raised, which allows you to cancel the operation or to change the input, by setting values in the
newValues dictionary, provided in the event arguments. If the
rowUpdating event is not cancelled, changes are applied to the grid's model and the
rowUpdated event is raised.
If changes are applied programmatically to the
model, use the
refresh method to repaint the grid's contents, or
refreshRows to repaint only the affected rows.
Deleting records
Users can delete records interactively by clicking the "Delete row(s)" option in the row context menu. The
rowDeleting event allows you to cancel the operation and the
rowDeleted event is raised after the record is removed from the
model. Rows can be deleted programmatically by using the
removeRows method.
Accessing records by key
The keyField, provided in the
constructor can be used to access records independently of the current sorting. The
getKeyRow method returns the row index of the row with the specified key. The
getRowKey returns the key of the row at the specified index.