TimeRange.sameEnd Method
See Also

Checks if the current range ends at the same time as the specified range.

Namespace: MindFusion.Scheduling
File: TimeRange.js


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function sameEnd (range)



TimeRange. The range of DateTime values to compare to.

 Return Value

Boolean. true if the current range ends at the same time with the specified range; otherwise false.


The following code creates a range at the end of December and checks if the current calendar selection ends at the same time as the holiday range:

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var p = MindFusion.Scheduling;

// create a new instance of the calendar
var calendar = new p.Calendar(document.getElementById("calendar"));

var selectedRange = calendar.selection.getRange();

var holidayStart = p.DateTime.fromDateParts(2018, 12, 20);
var holidayEnd = p.DateTime.addDays(holidayStart.clone(),14);

var holidayRange = new TimeRange(holidayStart, holidayEnd);

if (selectedRange.sameEnd(holidayRange))
    //do something

 See Also